Brioche Dough Recipe

Brioche Dough Recipe | Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day

Here is a classic fall recipe with a twist. It is a lovely and quick dessert, especially if you have a bucket of brioche on hand. For those of you who do not already own The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, here is the recipe and it can be used for all of these wonderful treats: caramel sticky buns, grilled fruit tart, fresh fruit muffins, Brioche à tête, apricot pastries and fabulous doughnuts! Actually the possibilities are endless, just use your imagination and let us know what treats you’ve come up with.

Brioche Dough (makes about 4 loaves)

1 1/2 cups (340g) lukewarm water

1 tablespoon Active Dry, or Quick-Rise yeast (1 packet)

1 tablespoon kosher salt

8 large eggs, lightly beaten, AT ROOM TEMPERATURE (this is important for faster rising)

1/2 cup (170g) honey

1 1/2 cups (340g) unsalted butter, melted

7 1/2 cups (1065g) unbleached all-purpose flour

Mix the yeast, salt, eggs honey and melted butter with the water in a 5-quart bowl, or lidded (not airtight) food container.

Mix in the flour, using a spoon until all of the flour is incorporated.

Cover (not airtight), and allow to sit at room temperature for about two hours. Note: Sometimes with brioche, with so much cold egg, if you don’t use warm enough water, the initial rise can be very slow. Professionals would fix this by letting the eggs come to room temperature, which solves the problem. You can do that, or just make sure that your final mixture of egg/butter/water is nice and warm (but not hot, or you can kill the yeast).

The dough can be used as soon as it is chilled. This dough is way too sticky to use after the initial rise, but once it is chilled it is very easy to handle. It can be used to create the Tatin or any of these brioche recipes: caramel sticky buns, grilled fruit tart, Fresh Fruit Muffins, Brioche à tête, apricot pastries and fabulous doughnuts! The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. After that you can freeze the dough.

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545 thoughts to “Brioche Dough Recipe”

  1. Have anyone ever tried to do a spin on a panettone with the brioche dough? Obviously adding Fiori di Sicilia to the dough. Thoughts?

  2. Hi, I tried to bake brioche last week, my first time. I experienced this strong smell coming from the dough straight after mixing eggs, honey, water, yeast, but before adding flour. I don’t know what it was. Was it the honey? The yeast (I used dry, granulated yeast)? Even after the baking was done, I could still smell it on the bread. Is it normal?

    1. Hi Desiree,

      Describe the smell? Was it sweet or more like an alcohol? If it is sweet, it was the honey. The alcohol smell can be the yeast. Both are normal, but some people tend to be more sensitive to it. Let me know what it was and we can help.

      Thanks, Zoë

      1. Sometimes an egg can go bad without looking bad. If you mix the eggs by themselves you’ll see the yolk doesn’t spread and mix as well as a normal yolk. Even after cooking these are not safe to eat.

  3. would like to try hot cross buns with the brioche mix.

    every day we make the ciabata – pensioners so small fresh loaves are beaut.

    when i make that mix it is very wet – to slump and it works fine,

    do i mix the brioche dough to the same consistency

    regards and thanks

    seaford victoria australia

  4. Hi. I have had success using your master ww dough recipe with 1/8 tsp of yeast and extending rise time to 18-24hrs. What is the minimum amount of yeast can i use in the brioche recipe? With egg/dairy, I presume the rise should be in fridge. Your thoughts?

      1. Jeff, after trying this recipe a few times, I’m now wondering if it’s possible to convert the master white bread dough (using 1/4 tsp yeast this time) in the fridge (after it’s risen 2x) into a brioche dough by adding the eggs, butter and other ingredients. Would you suggest I bring the dough to room temp before adding the other ingredients? does it need to rise again before baking? will there be any impact to flavor? texture?

        because I like the flavor developed through a long rise (hence the 1/4 tsp yeast), I’m wondering if there’s a way to use the master white dough more flexibly, i.e. “upgrade” it into a brioche or other type later on so i don’t have to keep 2 or 3 batches of dough in fridge or freezer. Would love your thoughts. thanks.

      2. I’ve done stuff like this, and it works. A bit cumbersome though. You have to add liquid so things are blendable, then you have to add back flour so the consistency is right. I end up not doing this very often. May have to adjust salt (upward) or it might be bland with those additions.

  5. If the dough is still too sticky after I let it rise for 2 hours…can I knead in more flour after? What should I do?

    And is granulated yeast – the instant yeast from the supermarket?

  6. My query is how to use the brioche as a filled bun.

    I would LOVE to be able to stuff the buns with samosa fillings (vegetarian, meat), red bean paste, tuna mushroom, spinach (similar to spanakopita), cajun shrimps perhaps.

    Your thoughts? Thanks a bunch.

    1. Hi M.Moses,

      This is actually a technique we’re testing for our next book. 🙂 Until then you can use the beignet technique to fill the buns, but you can bake them instead of frying if you prefer.

      Thanks, Zoë

  7. Hy,
    on how much Liter (ml) are your “cups” based?

    We have a lot of different ones… 🙂

    How much gramm is in your “one packet” yeast?
    We have these cubes here, it weighs 50 gramm

    Thanks, I really like to try it!

    Greets Shakti

    1. Hi Shakti,

      Which book are you using? There is a chart in HBin5 that gives the gram equivalents for all the ingredients on page 36.

      I have used the fresh yeast cubes and they work wonderfully.

      Thanks, Zoë

      1. Hy,
        I found your website and like to try your receipies…
        When I red it I wondered how much would a “cup” measures…
        I dont have any book of yours


  8. It seems part of the recipe is missing on this page – nothing about what to do after the two hour raise after mixing. I freelanced with decent results (I’ve used several other brioche recipes and had adopted Paula Wolfert’s as my default with much success but many steps)but would like to know what I should do.

    1. Hi Walt,

      This post is just about making the dough. There are several recipes using the dough on the site and in the books. Are you looking for something in particular?

      Thanks, Zoë

      1. Sorry for my confusion, but your only reference to chilling seems outside the recipe, itself. Just an information processing thing on my part, but it would have been helpful if it had said “After the dough has risen for two hours, chill in the refrigerator
        for at least X hours” or something like that.
        All that being said, I have used this recipe half a dozen times nad find it the easiest brioche recipe I’ve ever used in over forty years.

  9. Great, Walt! Material here on website is brief–publisher would kill us if we put up all our content–complete instructions in the books.

  10. I know honey is your all time favorite but what can I use instead of it in the brioche dough?

    I love all your recipes and your enthusiasm.

      1. Thanks for the quick reply.So for 1/2 cup honey do i substitute the same amount of sugar?

      2. Good question, Kamal.It leads to another: and since sugar is dry and honey wet, should there also be a tiny addition of liquid – tablespoon or two?

      3. Kamal, Walt: Well, really close. To be technical, you should decrease a litte (3/8 cup?) and add a little water (1/8 cup?). But I often swap 1:1. It changes the consistency just a little (it’ll be drier).

  11. I’m getting ready to try the brioche bread recipe. My first time making bread besides banana bread. If it goes well I would like to get the book, but what I’m wondering is if for other recipes will you need more equipment? I do not have a kitchen aid mixer. Will that be a problem?

    1. Hi Morgan,

      All the recipes can be made in a large bowl or food container. You need about 6qts capacity. None of the equipment is required, but some make the job a little easier.

      Happy baking! Zoë

  12. Hi Zoe & Jeff!

    I am trying my hand at your brioche recipe. My pregnancy brain led me to goof up the prep and I’m wondering if that will effect the outcome. I threw all ingredients in the bucket, including the flour, before mixing. Ergo, I did not mix the yeast with the wet ingredients first like instructed. Is this going to be a problem? Second, can over mixing be an issue? I tried using the dough hooks on my Kitchenaid hand mixer (seemed brilliant to avoid cleaning the stand mixer and mix directly in the bucket)and am not sure if I overmixed since this comes together differently than the master recipe. Lastly, I am not sure I got a good rise. The water I threw in may have been on the cooler side of lukewarm. I let it rise for 3 hours but never felt like it doubled. Thoughts?


    1. I have made this brioche nearly a dozen times and must confess that I have reverted to a technique for it that I use in almost all the breads I make: I mix all the wet ingredients and dry ingredients including yeast in two separate bowls, then I cup by cup mix the dry ingredients gradually into the wet. I have had similar results both the recipe way and my way, but find my way more comfortable for me.
      I have never had much trouble with over-mixing, though once had a duration problem from perhaps too lightly mixing. To me, dough hook seems like it would be very inefficient – I use a spoon, paddle, etc. or sometimes when I’m really enjoying myself dig in with my hands and mix at the end. Messy, but fun.
      What I really like about this recipe is that it is very forgiving and dough lasts almost a week.
      Don’t let one slightly imperfect result get you down. The fun with this is experimenting and trying new things that work for you.

      1. Hi Walt,

        This sounds great and will be very encouraging to folks who are just starting out. If you are having fun and enjoying the bread, then there just can’t be a wrong way of getting there! 🙂

        Cheers, Zoë

    2. Hi Candice,

      Your dough should be just fine. It may take a bit longer to rise, because of the cooler water, but that isn’t going to effect the end result.

      Enjoy! Zoë

  13. I’ve owned Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day for several years and can’t tell you how many times I’ve made bread from it. I own more cookbooks than should be legally allowed and have them in my home office. This book NEVER leaves my kitchen!! As with many, I was scared of yeast and using your recipes has allowed me to branch out where I can even make bread several different ways (No-knead, stand-mixer, bread machine, and by hand). Recently I was thinking about making brioche, as I’ve never done it before. Pictures on got me thinking about it. Then I remembered, I can try making the No-knead version from your book and once again not be scared to try something new. I have company coming and I think I will give it a whirl! The thought of having left over brioche to make them french toast is just too much excitement to bear. I’d really like to thank you both sharing your talents with people like me, who have a true love of good food. You are excellent teachers and a source of inspiration.

  14. I was really excited to find your website and was making this dough to make the cinnamon swirl bread. This was my first time making a yeast bread. However, I overlooked the fact that I had bleached instead of unbleached wheat. Now the dough doesn’t seem to have risen much at all. I left it out for the 2hours and it’s been chilling overnight. Will it need more time to rise due to the flour switch or will it even be good to use at all?


    1. Hi Meghan,

      The bleached flour will make for a softer dough, but it should still rise. Did the dough rise at all before you refrigerated it?

      Thanks, Zoë

      1. If it did, it wasn’t noticeable :/ I tried the stand mixer method you suggested in the Brioche a tete post about putting the melted butter on top of the flour so that it wouldn’t kill the yeast but I’m wondering now if it still got through the layer of flour…

  15. Meghan: Take it out of the fridge and leave it a couple more hours and see what happens. I bet it just needed more rising. Doubt the warm butter made any difference.

    Only way to kill yeast is to use too-hot water. If it’s too cold, all that happens in a slow rise, which you can deal with…

    1. THANK YOU!! The bread did rise the way it was supposed to when my husband took it out of the fridge for a few more hours. It is currently rolled up and doing its final rise on its way to becoming cinnamon swirl bread!! THANK YOU!!! 😀

  16. Hi, I made the brioche dough and put it in fridge last night. This morning when I pulled it out it was very tough and hard to handle. I realized then that I had left out the lukewarm water when making it and so it was very dry dough. I added the lukewarm water to the chilled dough and incorporated it best I could and have left it out on counter to see if it will rise at all. Is adding the water a day after going to work or do i need to throw out the whole batch and begin again?
    Also, if you think adding the water now is I just put it back in fridge after the rise and then try to make the rolls after it is chilled?

    1. Traci: Try working in the water, maybe a little more than is called for plus some flour to keep the proportions right. Then on the counter for two hours, then the fridge as usual. It may work.

  17. I have your Artisan Bread in 5 a Day, and I love it so far. My question though, for the brioche recipe, you stress the importance of using butter, but my daughter has a severe milk protein allergy, so it’s not an option for us. Is there anything else I can use? We love besting the naysayers and creating amazing allergy free treats and we’d love to try some of the brioche recipes! Thanks!

    1. Maria: Take a look at the challah recipe in the same chapter; it gives an option for butter OR oil. Oil will work with the brioche, I’d guess, but you may not be able to use as much or it will be too wet of a dough.

      I’d guess you can try this with somewhat less than the 1 1/2 cups of fat called for in the brioche. 1 cup? May need other adjustments in the ratio of wet to dry.

      1. I have seen many olive oil brioche recipes but have yet to try one. Most call for far less fat, some use less yeast, and all use fewer eggs. You can search on either “olive oil brioche” or “brioche provencal” on the net.
        Your e-mails have goaded me to try to do one – think I’ll try some simple adjustments of 5-minute a day brioche recipe. Will let you know the result.

      2. Thanks Jeff and Walt! We use olive oil as a great replacement in most of our baking adventures, so it’s great to hear it may be an option with the brioche. I’ll do some experimenting here and I’d love to hear how things go with any of your attempts! Best, Maria

    2. First pass on brioche with olive oil:
      Before making my dough I read every olive oil brioche recipe I could find on the web, about a dozen. Took ideas from two or three, and adjusted basic five minute brioche recipe to fit some of the suggestions.
      Recipe ended up as follows:
      5 C all-purpose flour
      1 Tbsp salt
      1 Tbsp instant yeast
      zest of one lemon
      zest of one orange
      [whisked all of these together in 4 Qt mixing bowl]

      In a four cup measuring cup combined:
      6 Tbsp olive oil
      2 whole eggs
      1/2 C milk @ 105 degrees
      1/2 C water @ 105 degrees
      1/4 C Kings corn syrup (a favorite sweetener
      in our house for baking)
      1 Tbsp orange water
      [thoroughly combined liquid ingredients]

      After creating two mixes above, poured dry ingredients into bowl of stand-up mixer then added all at once wet ingredients. First stirred together wet and dry to make a loose dough then beat for three minutes with paddle attachment at medium speed.

      After dough became slightly glossy and held together, formed a ball right in mixing bowl and set aside in warm place to triple in bulk, about 2 hours. Next pressed down and allowed to triple again in refrigerator, about eight hours. Pressed down again, formed a dough log and refrigerated.

      Next morning took half of dough and deflated then formed a loaf in 4X5X9 loaf pan. Allowed to triple again(It did!)
      Pre-heated oven to 375 deg. then baked for 28 minutes.
      Removed from pan and cooled on rack.

      This produced a brioche-like lovely scented, nice-crumb (though not as tender as butter brioche)slightly olive-y bread that was great with a little home-made jam. Only slightly negative observation: left a very slight olive oil taste and feel in mouth for a half hour afterwards.

      This morning made cinnamon buns with remaining dough. Came out somewhat firmer,
      and smaller, than butter brioche buns, but very acceptable and had the citrus orange water hints which we found quite pleasant.

      This would actually be a reasonable substitute for traditional brioche for the calorie conscious also (about half the calories per portion).

      I will try one more iteration and follow up afterwards.

      Hope this is useful.

      1. Holy cow, Walt, you’re my hero! It’s been a crazy week so I haven’t had much time to play with dough, but this is a huge help! Thanks so much for taking the time to post an update; I can’t wait to try this out. I was considering an attempt with Spectrum Organic butter flavored shortening… Part of me hates the idea, but the stuff is pretty pure and has been useful in some situations when regular oil won’t do. Ive just never used a lot of it so I wonder how great or awful it might be. Only one way to find out, I guess! I’ll update when I can.
        Thanks again for taking the time to post an awesome and detailed response. You rock!

  18. I read in the book that for you recipes, when you say 1 cup of flour it is straight from the jar stored at room temperature and not sifted, but I prefer to use weight than volume when measuring flour, from my experience, that has been a more consistent measure. How much does your 1 cup of AP flour weigh using your medthod? Thanks in advance for your help.

  19. I have had great success stuffing with your dough 🙂 I cloak and make an impression in the dough, lay in items to stuff and roll dough and seal in. Bake as normal, works well and oh so yum!

  20. Hi if i follow the recipe above and let it rise for two hours, could i then butter my loaf pans and put my dough in each pan? I thought about fixing the loaves,putting them in the frig and pulling one out to rise and bake as we need one through the week.

  21. Hello,

    I forgot to let this dough sit out 2 hours- stuck it straight into to frig. What are my potential problems, and what can I do now to save it? Thanks!

    1. Ruthie: It would rise on it’s own, but slower at this temp. Or take out and let it come to room temp; maybe a couple hours.

  22. Hi,

    I made a batch of the brioche, for our Greek New Year Cake.

    I know I can freeze the dough, but would you please tell me for how long?

    Many Thanks

    1. Hi Angela,

      I only like to freeze it for a couple of weeks, after that I find it loses some of its rising power. Jeff, however, lets his go longer (3 weeks) and notices no ill effect.

      Hope that helps? Zoë

      1. Yes Zoe, thankyou.

        I just used up today, so their is no dough left 🙂

        The Greek Orthodox have a bread called Vasilopita, the same as tsoureki, brioche.

        I just made three with this recipie.

        May you and Jeff have a blessed Christmas and New Year.

  23. The recipe listed here calls for 1 tbs of yeast, whereas the brioche recipe in your book calls for 1 1/2 tbs. Which amount do you recommend? I have always used the recipe in the book and over the holidays I was visiting family and wanted to make brioche so I looked up the recipe on the web and found this site. 1 tbs worked just fine. There were some differences between the brioche I made there vs. what I make at home, but I was also using a different bowl and I was in a warmer climate. What difference should the amount of yeast make?


  24. Hi! I’m making the brioche dough this morning, with half the yeast suggested in the book (so 3/4 tbsp). I read earlier that passed the initial 2 hours rise, I should put it in the fridge to continue the rise (normally I let rise 4-5 hours with this quantity of yeast), but once it has risen for 4-5 hours including the 2-3 hours in the fridge, I assume it should be chilled as well and I could technically bake one loaf later on today? Or should I still wait till tomorrow to bake the first loaf?

    Thank you!

  25. Is this a problem. The dough was in the fridge for 6 days. It smelled fine and looked fine and rose as normal and baked normal.

    Is this a problem?

  26. Thank you so much for posting this recipe and the youtube on the mini brioche buns. I made a batch of the dough with 1/4 whole wheat white flour to add a bit of whole grain. I baked small rolls and filled with chocolate chips for tiny chocolate filled brioche buns. I also made some more filled buns with raspberry jam and cream cheese. I can’t believe how delicious they turned out! I just ordered your healthy artisan book – can’t wait to try more.

  27. Perhaps I missed it, but is there a recipe for what’s shown in the last image? They look like caramel sticky buns, but that link goes to mini caramel rolls.

    1. Hi Andy,

      That is an image from our book Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. We haven’t posted that recipe on the site yet, sorry!

      Thanks, Zoë

  28. HI!
    I was wondering if I could use milk (I use raw milk) instead of water in this recipe and if so, what would it change? Would it still last 5 days in the fridge?

    Also, I was looking through my french “Boulangerie and viennoiserie” book (from which I have NEVER been able to make a successful loaf!) but noticed that the croissant and pain au chocolat recipes look pretty close to the brioche (minus) the eggs. Have you tried it and do you think it might work for these 2? I am french and miss my croissant and pain au chocolat really bad! hehe
    Thanks for any insight you may have.

    1. Hi Natalia,

      Yes, you can use milk. It will last for 5 days, but may ferment even faster with the extra sugar in the milk. Give it a try and see what you think.

      The difference between brioche and croissants is the way the butter is hangled in the recipes. In our brioche we melt the butter and mix it into the dough. In croissants you make a dough and then fold the butter into layers between the dough. It is doable, but laborious and time consuming.

      Thanks and enjoy! Zoë

      1. I see what you mean. Kind of like a pâte feuillettée? I was never able to make one of those. 🙁
        Oh well..
        I will just eat brioche. ;D
        Thank you for responding.

      2. Hi Zoe,
        So can a croissant be successfully made using the brioche recipe but folding in the butter and using the traditional croissant method?

      3. Hi Nia,

        I’ve made croissants using our master recipe. It works, but it was way more than 5 minutes a day, so I’ve never written about it. Maybe I should.

        Cheers, Zoë

  29. I just made this brioche and used it as the dough in your sesame seed hamburger bun recipe ( I have never had brioche before, let alone baked it myself.
    The buns were amazing. I nearly cried because they tasted so good. I never imagined I could make bread with such a rich flavor. The texture was fabulous. So soft and dense!
    I seriously cannot get over this bread!!
    You have won my heart and taste buds today.
    Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Betsy,

      How terrific that you made the brioche buns. Thank you so much for your lovely note! 🙂

      Cheers, Zoë

  30. Hi! First of all I’ll say thank you for your books and site: really a fool proof way to make bread!
    I have 2 questions:
    1- I made the master recipe from AB in 5, and I used 2/3 of the dough for pizza! Good! The day after I added flour and water (as to make 1/2 master recipe), no yeast and no salt. I kept it at room temperature for 6 hours of rising time. It rised a lot with the same texture as the Master recipe. Now can I use it as the Master recipe, keep it in the fridge for 14 days?
    2- Now I want to make a brioche: can I add all the other ingredients (egg, butter, honey and so on)to how much dough? 1 pound? 1 1/2 pound?
    I thank you very much for your kind answer.
    Bye, Antonella

    1. Hi Antonella,

      1. You can use your dough with great results, but without any additional yeast, you probably will not have much rising power after about 5 to 7 days.

      2. Are you wanting to add the brioche recipe to your master recipe? If so, you will want to only have about 8 ounces of the “old dough” and it may just try to climb out of the bucket it will be so much dough. You can’t let the egg doughs sit on the counter for 6 hours, so you will need to add more yeast or refrigerate it after 2 hours.

      Thanks, Zoë

      1. Hi Zoe,
        thank you for your kind answer.
        It’s so important to have a qualified opinion on bread and dough, so I’ m not wandering alone in a land unknown !
        Anyway on point 2 I meant to add all the ingredients to make a brioche to the “old dough”, all but flour!
        Sorry! I wasn’t clear to this point.
        Anyway I want to use my dough as dough, and not as yeast!
        I think I have to add some flour, just to help the dough absorb the “liquid” from egg, butter etc to mantain the right consistency. Do you think it’s possible? I just need your magic touch! About rising time it will be absolutely 2 hours! Last time it was 6 because it was late in the night, when I made my little experiment!
        I’m looking for your answer… and a very horrorful Halloween!

      2. Hi Antonella,

        It will take some work to get all the brioche ingredients mixed into a dough that is already made. It is much easier to start from the beginning, but with a stand mixer you may be able to do it. You will certainly need more flour as well.

        Good luck and happy halloween! Zoë

  31. I am having a problem with my finished breads having a very strong yeast taste. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Am I under cooking it? It seems cooked. It happened with the basic and brioche recipe. I’ve read all the tips from your artisan bread in five minutes book. Thanks for your help.

    1. Try a lower-yeast version, see FAQs page for instructions ((Yeast, can I…”). And be sure you’re venting the container. It’s possible that you just don’t like sourdough development and can just make smaller batches that won’t age as long. Or freeze them.

  32. Hello…I have been using your first book with great success for my small needs. I would like to try some interesting things now. The pear tart tatin at the top looks amazing! do you have a recipe for it or would you please describe a little bit how I could make it? Thank you so much!

  33. Oh! Thank you. I did not know that was a published recipe and I fully understand. I haven’t had a chance to see your second book. It looks very promising from the reviews on Amazon, I will check it out this weekend. Very grateful that you are writing books that make my (our) life/lives more enjoyable and easier.

  34. I’m about to try your brioche cinnamon buns. Two questions:

    1. Can I cut down the amount of butter, say, by half? If I do, should I reduce the amount of flour?
    2. I know the idea of “Five Minutes a Day” is to make enough dough for several loaves. If I want to make just one loaf, what percentage of the recipe should I use?
    P.S. I do own the book.

    1. Cutting the butter by half will make it more like the challah in that same chapter, but the eggs are cut by half too. If you want to stick with this amount of egginess, that might throw things off, but basically, you’ll have to increase the water, or as you suggest, reduce the flour. It’ll take experimentation and I can’t even guess at the amounts.

      Our recipes generally make enough for 4 loaves, so make one-fourth as much and you’ll have dough for one loaf.

  35. I was wondering if it is possible to use Bread Flour instead of all purpose flour for this recipe and what will the end product be like?


    1. Hi Ruby,

      Yes, you can use bread flour. It will be a bit more dense than the original recipe, but still great. Try it and see what you think.

      Cheers, Zoë

      1. Thank you. I made half a batch and used 2 parts bread flour and 1 part all purpose. Turned out perfect using my mini Brioche tins. Not dense at all! I slathered it with whipped butter and sugar and slivers of Dubliner cheese. Heaven!

  36. I’m looking at the sticky Pecan Caramel Rolls recipe. Is it possible to refrigerate the rolls in the pan the night before then take it out the next day to let it rest before baking? Thanks!

  37. I have tried this brioche several times now and each time the dough is liquid like. I poured it into a pan. I tried incorperating more flour but that made the bread super dense. what an i doing wrong? like i said i have tried this several times with the same resault each time.

    1. Hi Niamh,

      What kind of flour are you using and how do you measure it? If you are spooning the flour into the cup, you will end up with too little flour and the dough will be very soft. Are you letting the dough chill thoroughly before using it?

      Thanks, Zoë

  38. Hello Jeff and Zoe,
    I’ve never used brown rice syrup before, but have a jar I’d like to use up. Have either of you used it as the sweetener for any of your recipes? It doesn’t taste good off the spoon, but maybe it would be fine in bread? Would it provide the food needed to feed the yeast?

    1. Hi Nia,

      It will work in place of honey, maple, or sugar (as long as it isn’t more than a couple of tablespoons, since it will add liquid). It will feed the yeast just as any sugar will.

      Cheers, Zoë

      1. Thanks Zoe,
        it’s exciting to hear that. Now I have to decide whether to mix up one dough today, or three LOL!

  39. Hi Jeff and Zoë,

    I made the brioche dough for the first time last night, but I added an extra 1/4 cup of water. I used King Arthur flour, and I remember reading in the book that when using that brand of flour, you should increase the water by about 1/4 cup. But then I realized that you guys may have just been referring to the master recipe. Will the extra water affect my dough? I checked it this morning after it was refrigerated a bit and the dough didn’t seem like it hardened much.

    1. Basically, if the recipe calls for more than 6 cups of AP, and you’re replacing it with KAF AP, then yes, you should do fine by increasing the water. But be sure you’re measuring flour as we do (see “The Scoop-And-Sweep Technique” at . Or weigh the flour, see the FAQ called “Weighing ingredients instead of using cup measures: How do you do it?”

      Before you do anything, fully chill the dough (at least three hours)– this butter-based dough firms up when fully chilled.

      That done—Does it hold a shape when you form it? If not, you can work in a little more flour to make up the difference. Then let it sit on the counter a couple hours to re-ferment and form gas to counteract the fact that you just knocked some of the gas out by working it.

  40. Do you have any tips/recipe additions if I am trying to do a hybrid of a brioche and a croissant? Can I simply use the brioche recipe and laminate it?

    1. We haven’t found that lamination works well in this situation, better to just use the enriched dough to make a crescent roll, as we did in Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day, on Amazon at

  41. I have made the brioche recipe from AB5min and each time using the correct sized pan and weighing the flour (KA AP )
    I get loaves that even though they weigh a pound going in the pan with a 2 hour rise they do not fill the pan and so I get a not very high loaf ANY SUGGESTIONS , I do use thwe recipe from your first book. I have all your books.

    1. It’s the pan size that’s not completely standard. If you want a generous fill, you need to fill it about 3/4 of the way full. Bake for as long as necessary.

      1. thanks Jeff then I will not go by the 1 lb rule?? I did use the brioche this afternoon for Russenstrope with poppyseed filling. I do not go by the 1 lb rule with that so I should have figured. Another question……. do you accept recipes and make them 5 min recipes?? I have the old recipe for Portuguese bread made for years in Nantucket. It is crusty and I wonder how it can be done with your method.
        Do you know of this bread??

      2. Don’t go by the 1-lb rule if it’s not filling the pan to 3/4-full.

        Unfortunately, we don’t have time to convert recipes here on the site, but we’re always interested in hearing about our reader’s experiences. Haven’t tried this Portuguese bread, but we do have Portuguese Broa in the book…

  42. I use this dough for cinnamon rolls. One batch makes 2 to 3 dozen cinnamon raisin rolls. I never bother to refrigerate unless I am using some dough on a different day. No problem with sticky dough. Flour the counter and press and pat the dough out. Yummy!

  43. Hi Jeff & Zoe, I asked for your “Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes A Day” book as a Christmas gift from my wife a couple years ago & have been enjoying it ever since. Thank you for your recipes & ideas! They allow me to enjoy fresh baked bread like I remember my aunt making, despite a full time work & commute schedule.

    I mostly make the master recipe but recently started craving cinnamon rolls so I made some out of the brioche recipe. It was the best bit of baking I’ve ever done & had similar compliments from people who tasted them. I’ve got my 2nd brioche dough rising now for another treat & it smells great.

    My question is about the honey: The pot I have now is a solid creamed honey. Would I use the same amount or should I adjust my water when I use it? My current loaf is about 1/2 my previous liquid honey & 1/2 the creamed. I have some vanilla essence in it too. The dough looks fine, has risen well & is about ready to go into the fridge.

    Thank you for your help!

    1. Hi Alex,

      My honey often crystallizes and I just melt it slightly before measuring. The only thing you may find with this batch you just made is that it is a bit less sweet, but it should still work beautifully.

      Enjoy! Zoë

      1. Thank you Zoe! This batch will be made into rolls with cream cheese & either apricot or cherry jam so slightly less sweet will be fine.

        When I bought honey last time I didn’t realise this was a creamed one. I am an American living in New Zealand & fell in love with native honey from the pohutukawa tree. Most of the pohutukawa honeys you buy are creamed. It is a very tasty wildflower honey but also pretty expensive so I don’t buy it often. I might have to break out for a pot, I bet the flavor & slight saltiness would go well in this brioche recipe.

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