Our New Book: Shhhhhhh!

We are excited to announce that we are working on a new project, but sadly, most the details have to end there–our publisher will kill us if we say much about our new book, which should be out in the next 15 months or so. We can tell you that we spent a long, but fun week in Minneapolis with photographer Stephen Scott Gross, and that we worked very hard baking and cooking all kinds of deliciousness.

We thought you might enjoy a few photos from our week. And, of course, we’ll let you know what we were up to as soon as we can!

Savories, sweets… you name it, we baked it…

Author photos, I swear we’re not arguing in that first one…

Much more to come about this in the next 15 months, please stay tuned!

50 thoughts to “Our New Book: Shhhhhhh!”

  1. I’m so excited about more cookbooks from you guys!
    I must say, as a bread baker, I LOVE the idea of your bread and have made a couple of the basic recipes but….I was sometimes *totally* overwhelmed by the books! I’m extremely visual and wanted a pic for each recipe and methods. Sometimes it felt like I was reading a science textbook!! Much credit to you both because you’re very thorough!! I think I would pay the same amount for a simpler cookbook with just the very basic recipes along with all the different techniques and uses! Or something like that!!! May be Breadin5 for Dummies!!
    Haha! I love the recipes though! Keep up the good work!

      1. The comment about being “extremely visual” caught my eye (so to speak). I am, too. I find the videos very helpful. So, here’s a question and a thought: Have you ever considered making a Video Companion to your books? Something that demonstrates how to do what you do? I’d certainly be interested! (I’m new to this website, so if this already exists I’ll blush, but be grateful to know so I can get it!)

  2. Looks great! Couple of questions for you, if you don’t mind:

    – Any plans to come out west for a signing or workshops anytime soon?

    – Would it be possible to get autographed copies of your new book (or old books, for that matter?)

    – Have ya’ll thought of doing any types of eBook, like for the iPad?

    1. Ben: We don’t have anything in place for autographing copies, so sorry! We do come out west when we’re on book tour and have done classes but not many. Last tour we were in San Fran, Portland, and Seattle. Check our Events tab above to see what’s upcoming (not a lot at the moment).

      We already have iPad versions of all the books…

      1. Dee: Frustrating! Publisher has never sent us there, for whatever reason. I think it’s because it’s so hard to crack the LA media market– if they can’t get us on a local show, they can’t justify the trip.


  3. Hi! I am devoted user and enthusiastic promoter of your first book and I had a question about making a loaf shaped like a hedgehog. I remember seeing them as a child at bakeries in England and I wanted to make one for my children. I was wondering which dough in the first book would lend itself to such a creation and if you had any tips for forming and baking one including using raisins as eyes in such a way that they do not come out charred and inedible! Thanks!

    Sabrina Moser

    1. Sabrina: As in “Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle is nothing but a hedge-hog!” OK, this is going to be a challenge. If you want raisins on the surface of the bread, lower the temperature to 350F or maybe 375F. At that temp, you can use egg-wash (one egg lightly beaten with 1 tablespoon water). As for the hedgehog’s unique fur/bristles, I’m not sure. How about something like the Moon and Stars bread in Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day (https://bit.ly/3wYSSN)? It’s a reach.

      You may have to just cut a thick round of dough into the shape you want…

  4. Thank you for your inspiring bread recipes! Several years ago I broke my arm and could not work. I found your bread book and baked my first loaf of bread with one arm! It was amazing and I wanted to share fresh baked bread with my community. I started with ten loaves and sat out on the road and sold fresh bread. The response was inspiring (I sold out in 30 mins) and I have since become the famous roadside bread lady. Your recipe has enabled me to bake up to 50 loaves a day and share fresh bread with my small community. I want to share the smiles and joy that my customers give me onto you. Thank you, your recipes have changed my life.

    1. Rebecca: Love these stories– usual version has been at Farmer’s Markets, but you are really earning your money at that roadside! More power to all the small business-people turning breadbaking into a cottage industry.

  5. How fabulous! I had no idea you guys were working on a new book–I can’t wait to get my hands on it, and judging by the delicious looking photos, it’ll be as well loved and used as your others.


  6. Oh, boy! I can already tell I’m going to be pre-ordering that book. The babka-looking photo was the clincher. Pastry in 5 minutes a day, maybe?!? 🙂 Can’t wait to hear more!

  7. So excited to hear you guys have new book in the works. Loved the pics and especially enjoyed the ones of the photographer in action. His work is amazing. Would love to know what lens he is using!

  8. I think it’s a pastry book–how long can you restrain Zoe from pastry, LOL?

    I love the post by the roadside baker. I, too, have been changed by your books. In fact, I won 2 first place ribbons at the Appalachian Fair this summer–for Roasted Red Pepper Bread and Norwegian Sweet Bread! I might be teaching no knead baking at the local extension in the spring, too!

    This is all for a woman with hand problems, who would never be able to knead bread! THANK YOU!!!

    1. PS–I hope you include some Nutella recipes. I did a hazelnut ring with Nutella for Rosh Hashana, and it was marvelous. Who says it has to be honey?

  9. I am so excited about your new book. I am totally dedicated to using your other three. You have made baking bread easy to do ( I have not bought bread in over a year) for a working mom.

  10. Great news. Hopefully in time for the 2013 holidays as it will make a great gift.

    Will you be including the weights measurements in the recipes in this book?

    1. Hi John,

      Yes, we hope for the same timing, in time for the baking season of 2013. We are committed to using weights and measures in all of our new books!

      Thanks, Zoë

  11. Congratulations! I look forward to the new masterpiece. Just recommended your other books to a few friends on FB and was checking the link. That’s how I came to see the new book. I see pastries in my future 🙂

  12. I collect cookbooks. Most of them collect dust. Not the three of yours. Love them. Recommend them. Have bought them as gifts. Looking forward to your next.

  13. I love your books and had never saw let alone eaten artisan bread before buying all your books. Was recently in a local Kroger grocery store, browsing the deli and saw (for the first time) artisan bread…my goodness I could not believe mine looked exactly the same.

    So I’m living proof your recipes work!

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