Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour (Mixture #1 from Gluten-Free Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day)
By keeping a supply of my two gluten-free flour mixtures in the house, you can make any of the recipes in Gluten-Free Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. Flour Mixture #1, reprinted here from the book, is for a mostly white flour, though you can increase whole-grain if you swap brown rice flour (increase the liquids in the recipes by 2 tablespoons if you do this). It’s the only flour you need for some of my on-line recipes, and for the basic white loaf. If you’re sensitive to any of these ingredients, you’ll find substitutions in the book. I tested this gluten-free all-purpose flour mixture with Bob’s Red Mill products because they are available across the nation. If you use other brands you may find different results in the breads–especially in the amount of liquid they’ll absorb.
If you’re measuring by U.S. cup-measures (the first unit in each line), be sure to pack the flour tightly into the cup, as if you were measuring brown sugar.
Makes 4 1/4 pounds (2 kilograms) of gluten-free all-purpose flour mixture
White Rice Flour: 6 cups, or 36 ounces, or 1,020 grams
Sorghum flour: 3 1/4 cups, or 1 pound, or 455 grams
Tapioca Flour or Starch: 1 3/4 cups, or 8 ounces, or 225 grams
Potato Starch*: 1 1/4 cups, or 8 ounces, or 225 grams
Xanthan Gum or Ground Psyllium Husk: 1/4 cup, or 1.4 ounces, or 40 grams
*Don’t substitute potato flour
The ingredients must be very well mixed, otherwise the xanthan gum or psyllium will not be evenly distributed and your loaves will be inconsistent. Whisk and mix the ingredients in a 5- to 6-quart lidded container. Finish by picking up the container and vigorously shaking until the flours are completely blended.
Substituting ingredients: If you don’t eat one of the ingredients above, see our Substitutions Page. Other substitutions may be possible, but those are the ones we’ve tested and liked.
I have enjoyed your original book for years. My husband is now wheat allergic, not gluten. I have tried your gluten free version which is very good but I am wondering if you have tried other flours which contain gluten such as barley? I love baking with Teff. Have you tried any of your gluten free recipes using a small amount of teff in place of the brown rice flour? I look forward to the response.
Hi Nicola,
There are breads in the Gluten Free Book that use Teff, along with other flours you may enjoy.
Thanks, Zoë
I think the GF recipe is awesome! As a consumer of the flour based products and diagnosed with a Wheat allergy, I have struggled to find a recipe that tastes the same as regularbread. This is a Great recipe. However, I would recommend a “Helpful Hint” about clean up.
It is an extremely sticky gooey dough, and it can be a little difficult to remove from items, knives, spoons, bowls. I do not recommend putting to much of it down the drain as it can stick to piping and is not fully soluble, even when run through the Garbage disposal with hot water. I wiped most it off with paper towels before cleaning with water and dishwashing liquid. The clean up is then fairly simple and minimized residual when doing it this way.
Happy Baking!!
Thanks, great tips!
RE: Xanthan Gum or Psyllium
I read elsewhere that 1 tsp. xanthan gum is the equivalent to 1 TBSP psyllium husk powder in yeast bread baking.I see your Master formula gives 1/4 cup xanthan or psyllium husk powder. Is this correct? The same amount of either?
Thanks for your help
We tested carefully and found that they were interchangeable by volume and weight.
I have a question. My 1/4 cup of psyllium husk weight .8oz. Should I use that measurement or increase to 1.4oz? Thank you
Hi Carie,
I wonder if it is just that we packed the psyllium into the cup more and not that yours is somehow much lighter than what we used? I think you should go with the 1.4 ounces, since that is what we tested it with. To be on the safe side, you may want to start with a half batch to make sure you are happy with the results.
Thanks, Zoë
Thanks for responding. It turns out if I ground up the psyllium more it got closer to your measurement of 1/4 cup. I did however have an issue that my bread did not rise. I am thinking it’s either I used new yeast straight from the freezer (which I thought you said was okay on an instagram video) or my water wasn’t hot enough at 100 Deg F… any thoughts? I will try again!
Hi Carie,
Did it not rise at all during the first rise or it didn’t rise once you baked it?
Thanks, Zoë
There was no real first rise.
Hi Carie,
The yeast will thaw out within seconds of being removed from the freezer and certainly once added to warm water. I would check your yeast and make sure it is active. Just proof it in some warm water with a tiny bit of sugar for about 10 minutes. If it gets foamy, you can use it in the dough.
If the water wasn’t warm enough it will just take the dough longer to rise.
Thanks, Zoë
Thanks for your response. I proofed the yeast and it foamed so I will try making again and add a little sugar next time! Thanks again have a great day.
Hi Carie,
It may just take longer if the room or water is cooler.
Thanks, Zoë
I would like to test some recipes without committing to entire batch of the flour mix, or dough. Is there a way to scale the flour mix and then the “master” recipe for a single loaf? I know, it defeats the 5 minutes a day LOL. But I don’t want to make 12 cups of flour mix or a whole container of dough before testing first. I thought I had seen on another bread baking forum that the instructions for this are on this site (I do have the book!), but I haven’t been able to find what I am looking for.
Would greatly appreciate it!
Hi Krysta,
You can just scale each of them down, but there isn’t really a set amount on the site for a single loaf, so you may end up with a bit of the flour mixture left over. Perhaps try making a quarter batch of the flour and then of the dough.
Thanks, Zoë
Thank you so much! I was reading over other comments last night, and saw where it was suggested that half batch of the flour mix makes approx 1 batch of the dough, and 1 batch of the dough is approx 4 loaves. I may try scaling down the flour recipe by 8x, and the recipe by 4x and work from there. It won’t be perfect, but it will give me a general idea of what to expect from the batch, and give me a chance to practice LOL. I will use weight measures. And I will for sure share my results!
Thanks again!
I noticed that the flour shown is Bob Red Mills “sweet white sorghum flour” but the amazon link goes to a rebranded package called “stone ground sorghum flour.” Is this the same product?
I’m guessing that they have only changed the labeling…
I know this is all gluten free but have you done any exploration of the low carb bread. I trust you guys so much and loved your books and baked some absolutely killer breads but had to go on a keto diet. With all this bread-making talent going to waste, I send out this desperate cry from the wilderness… any “flours” or recipes for low carb diets would be phenomenal. I would love to hear about any work you are doing in this area!
Hi Janos,
We really haven’t worked with paleo bread, mostly because we find they can’t be stored for very long, which is the foundation of our method. You may have good luck with Peter Reinhart’s book, Gluten-free and Sugar-free Baking. He is a baker we both trust a lot.
Thanks, Zoë
Thanks for responding! There are flours out there like King Arthur’s Keto Friendly and FiberFlour and Carbalose… and I was hoping you or Jeff had looked at those. I’m not looking for gluten free, just something not nut-based – I will take a look at the book you recommended. Thank you for the tip. You are the best.
Hi Janos,
I haven’t played with those flours, but maybe someone has and can comment. If you try them, please let us know what you think.
Thanks, Zoë
I’m my dough does not rise enough. I’ve tried your method and I’ve tried the usual method and still doesn’t work.
I live in a high altitude area. Do I need to do something else? The bread comes out tasting good, but very dense. Also the yeast I have used was previously frozen. However I do let it get to room temperature before using.
Help, I really would like to make other recipes, but want to get the bread done first!
Vee in UT
What’s your altitude where you live? Freezing the yeast isn’t the problem.
4500 – 5000
Ah, that’s very helpful. We have tested regular, wheat-based dough at that altitude (Denver), and found it didn’t make any difference. Are you using a stand mixer, or doing it by hand?… that tends to help. Which of our recipes are you using, from which book and page number?
Would the 1-1 flour substitute work for the dry ingredients in recipes?
There are a lot of options out there now, hard to find all the ingredients listed in the #1 flour recipe.
We didn’t have good luck for that one, which seems to have been designed for cookies and other sweets that don’t need to support a tall rise. This one worked it though take a look
Do you have a recipe for gluten-free croissant
I’m afraid not–seems too hard a trick to pull off!
I just made this bread for the first time and it tasted good. I am reaching out to see how I can improve my own preparation of it. Should it be super dense? The middle of the bread seemed slightly sticky still and I wasn’t sure if I undercooked it or if it tends to be that way.
Which of the books are you working from, which recipe and page number?
Yes, I used the Gluten Free Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day book, and followed the Master Recipe: Boule on page 64, but I substituted brown rice flour with adding the recommended extra water to compensate for the substitution. I made a half batch, since that’s all the flour I had, and I made sure I halved all of the measurements, measuring by weight. The first loaf was super dense and a little sticky even with letting it cool for 2 hours (it even felt cool all the way through when I cut it) and the second loaf seemed maybe slightly less dense but was still sticky when cooled and cut.
The brown rice swap works, but it leads to a slightly denser loaf. Still, yours sounds underbaked in the middle. First thing to check is your oven temp, with something like this on Amazon (fyi, BreadIn5 earns commissions on Amazon purchases): … you may find your oven temp’s way off. Wait till the oven’s completely up to temp before baking. If that’s not it, try decreasing the heat a little, and baking longer.
Is there a temperature the bread should be at inside when considered done? I will give the cooking longer a try. Thank you!
Assume you’ve been to this link on the site?
I’ve found that the standard inexpensive thermometer probes to check internal temp aren’t that accurate and whose reading is highly dependent on where exactly you place the tip of the probe–how deep, etc. That said, when I’ve used them, they functioned as a bread-tester–if they came back with wet material, it wasn’t done.
I just found the pizza crust recipe, what can I substitute for the corn? I am also allergic to corn.
I didn’t find any acceptable swaps for corn–the only swaps that worked were the ones on page 61 of the book ( You must be talking about the recipe on page 172. You could just use the Master Recipe (page 63), following the directions for handling the dough that start on page 174.
When mixing My bread using psyllium husk, ? Do I put it directly in the dry ingredients? Where is the wait time for the psyllium husk to do its thing. My bread is coming out heavy and not raising as much.
Mix it in with a dry ingredients. Many people prefer the version with egg, in terms of the rising, and heaviness. Are you doing that? Especially egg whites, as opposed to whole eggs?
To make these breads vegan, what are the recommended egg replacements?
You mean for the gluten-free only? I have versions in the book with and without eggs. I haven’t had luck with egg substitutes in the gluten free. The purpose of the eggs for the gluten free breads is to give it a little more rise. The non-egg version is also good, but it’s a little denser. If you don’t have the book (gluten-free artisan bread in 5 minutes a day), I can direct you here on the website.
After decades of making bread, pastry, cakes my husband gets diagnosed with celiac disease. I purchased this book with the hope of being able to continue in a way of making some sort of breadish treat for the table. After exhausting the internet and trying other recipes,( why is everyone so different) but after the first try, (yeast is good) I have a blob. Never rose. I get all the problems with this kind of baking, it’s rice after all, but I was hopeful. Second batch from the original mix of flours, added extra yeast (using SAF gold) but didn’t seem to rise on the counter and now in the fridge, maybe will make some bread sticks or crackers. Any suggestions?
I can’t say why your rise failed here; one possibility: it rises and performs better when mixed with a stand mixer (compared with hand-mixing). It really has to fully emulsify. The other possibility (and actually, more likely), is that your dough is either too wet or too dry, because of inaccuracy in mixing. Did you use cup-measures to create the flour mixture, or did you weigh (more accurate)? Did the dough look like what you see in this video: ? If it looks drier (or wetter), that’s probably the problem– too much or too little flour in the flour + water mixture.