Cinnamon Rolls-On-A-Stick: perfect for the Minnesota State Fair

cinnamon rolls on a stick

The MN State Fair is open, so the annual food-on-a-stick showdown has begun. This is an update of an old post–a few years ago, Jeff and I presented our bread methods and introduced our latest and greatest achievement; Bread-on-a-Stick at booth run by St. Agnes Baking Companyin the Creative Arts Building.

Here is how to make the mini cinnamon rolls-on-a-stick:

Preheat oven to 350° and grease 24 mini muffin tins.

cinnamon rolls on a stick

Roll out a 1 pound piece of dough (master, brioche, challah, whole wheat, buttermilk or any of your favorites will work).

cinnamon rolls on a stick

It should be about 1/4″ thick and as rectangular as you can manage.

cinnamon rolls on a stick

Sprinkle on a generous amount of brown sugar(about 1/2 cup) and sprinkle with about 1 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon. Make sure you get right to the edges, but leave a 1/2″ along one of the long edges. Roll the dough into a log starting at the long edge.

cinnamon rolls on a stick

Seal the log by pinching the dough along the seam.

cinnamon rolls on a stick

Stretch the dough until it is just thicker than a broom stick.

cinnamon rolls on a stick

Snip off 3/4″ discs with a pair of kitchen scissors.

cinnamon rolls on a stick

Place in a well greased mini-muffin tin. Let rise for about 45 minutes. Bake for about 15 minutes. Remove from pan immediately before the caramel hardens. Makes about 24 mini cinnamon rolls.

cinnamon rolls on a stick

To celebrate the Fair put the cinnamon rolls on wooden skewers and drizzle with icing. (I just mixed together powdered sugar and heavy whipping cream until it was as thick as cake batter.)

215 thoughts to “Cinnamon Rolls-On-A-Stick: perfect for the Minnesota State Fair”

  1. Hi Jeff and Zoe – I recently purchased your book, based on a recommendation on the Jessica’s Biscuit website. I have been baking bread for a number of years, and have had mixed luck with french breads because my rushed lifestyle (I’m a corporate attorney with two teenagers). I was so pleasantly surprised at the ease in making very good french bread over the weekend, by simply putting the dough together on a Friday eve – my husband and kids were thrilled with the quality.

    I was going to ask you about conversions for King Arthur Flour and weights, as well as how to store the large quantities of dough (I’ve been cutting the recipes in half), but then found your web site, which answered all those questions (I guess I really need a second refrigerator!). So instead, I’ve decided to share two stories with you.

    My husband and I just hosted an Octoberfest last weekend at home. He supplied the micro-brewery beers and the sausages, while I prepared the rest of the food and desserts, including trying out your deli-style rye. I made four loaves, and sliced two for the party. The bread was fantastic! One guest raved so much about how hard it is to find good rye bread, and how wonderful this was, that I gave him a loaf to bring home. I was really impressed with the texture (moist yet slighly chewy and tangy, with a nice crist crust) and the durability (although the leftovers didn’t last long). I grew up in Brooklyn, where good rye was easy to come by, and have been living in Connecticut for a long time, where good rye and bagels is a rarity, and bialys are impossible to obtain. This was the closest loaf to my childhood memories.

    Also, my mother was recently put on a no-fat diet because of her high cholesterol levels. After preparing the master recipe and the deli rye, it occured to me that these recipes could be very good for a person on a restricted diet. I promised her the recipe, and hope she finds it much better than store bought so-called health bread.

    Thanks for letting me share this with you. I intend to bake my way through the book.

  2. Thanks Phyllis– your rye bread story does my outer-Borough heart good. I got interested in bread because Minneapolis didn’t have the rye bread I wanted (and frankly, neither did Queens, by 1987).

    Your story is a great one, your so kind to have shared it with us (and our readers). Jeff

  3. My version of these today was not quite so beautiful but they were completely tasty! My two preschoolers helped with rolling the dough and spreading/eating the brown sugar, and as a special request from my little boy, added mixed dried fruit as well (I rehydrated the dried fruit first). With my little helpers in on the decision-making we went for a regular muffin size. The results were fabulous – very more-ish but not too sweet.

    Thank you for the inspiration! (Again!)

  4. Hi Kathleen,

    Sounds like you got some invaluable help with those rolls. I absolutely love the dried fruit idea. Tell your little ones we say thanks for the inspiration!

    Enjoy, Zoë

  5. I was watching Daytime in Tampa Bay Florida the other day and saw you guys there talking about the book. I was so excited I ran out that night and bought me some yeast.
    My husband was totally teasing me all day yesterday when I was whipping up my dough. He said i acted like a lil kid, i was so excited.
    So, I baked my first loaf last night for dinner and it was PHENOMENAL! I couldnt believe it.
    Thank you for putting your Cinnamon Roll Recipe on here too! I am gonna surprise my kids tomorrow morning with these.

  6. Thank you Sandie, I’m so excited you saw that. It must have been a Superstation broadcast. Was it from Chicago (interviewer was Micah Materre)? Or was it taped somewhere else? Zoe taped something in Tampa this summer, but then you would have seen just her, and it sounds like you saw both of us?

    I’m so glad the recipes are working well for you. Thanks again. Jeff

  7. Your Cinnamon Rolls On A Stick are almost to beauitifull to eat !
    What do you sharge for one of them at a fairground ?

  8. zoe,
    Could you suppli a different recipe for the frosting, perjaps more traditional? I have a problem with milk or cream.

    I am going to try this with the pecan rolls in the book.

    Thank you.

  9. Zpe.
    Made the cinnamon rolls today and my wife said that they were as good as anybody could make anywhere.

    I never thought of myself as a baker, or a cook, but your system has convinced me otherwise.

    Besides the ease of following your directions, IMHO, the forgiveness factor is a big factor in everyone’s success. I mean that even if there are slight deviations from the recipe, like the dough sitting a bit longer or the oven temperature off a degree or two, evrything still turns out great.

    Here is a frosting recipe that I found somewhere on the net. I would give credit but I don’t remember the site:

    1 teaspoon milk
    1 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar
    4 tablespoons butter, softened
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    To make frosting, mix the milk, confectioners sugar, softened butter and vanilla in a small bowl. Spread over warm cinnamon rolls.

    I actually think they meant a Tablespoon of Milk as when I made it according to the recipe, it was really dry and sugary. I had to add milk to get it to the proper consistency (with my wife’s help as she has baked a lot). As I just poured in the milk to the frosting, I didn’t measure it as I was doing it.

    I baked the rolls in a regular muffin tray and I used about 1 pound of dough. I was guided by this recipe and the pecan rolls from the book.

  10. luv cinnamon buns…luv baking. Your book is on my wish list. Luv experiments…and food on sticks! I have a family of six; two still at home. I did all kinds of cookies on sticks through out school. Never thought about cinnamon buns! Grandbabie should enjoy ’em. She helps out a lot in the kitchen. This looks like something she can do.

    1. Hi Jinnie,

      How wonderful to get your grand kids in the kitchen. I bake with my little boys all the time. They will grow to be great bakers!

      Thanks, Zoë

  11. Wow, these look wonderful,I feel so inspired to get straight into the kitchen and try to make these delicious bites of heaven on a stick.Good luck at the fair..

    1. Sally: This was last year, I don’t think we’re doing anything at the fair this year. But of course I’ll be there as a “civilian.” Jeff

  12. hot homemade cinnamon buns…does it get any better than that…well…only if you eat them with COLD milk!

  13. Wow! I just learned about artisan bread & would make me so happy to have a copy of the book. I live in the North Georgia Mountains. Thank You.

  14. Amazing! I just found out about your book from a friend who brought it and made bread the same day! Her pictures were like that of a professional. I could hardly believe my eyes!?! I would LOVE to win your book!!!! Pick me!! I love cooking but never have had any luck with bread. This shows me that I can do it!!!! 🙂

      1. The books are totally worth purchasing. I’m still bread free with my eating due to temporary conditions but I bought 2 books in anticipation of the day when I add it back. I love being able to make my own so easily and yet so beautifully and know everything in the bread ingredient wise. Thanks for making bread worthy of eating again!

  15. Jeff/Zoe: Try this next time you make rolls. To cut the roll in slices, take a length of dental floss, slip under the roll and bring ends up and across to cut your slices (discs). It’s a neat trick that keeps from smashing the rolls, if you need perfect round slices. This tip comes from a former home ec teacher in Los Alamos, NM.

  16. To make the cinnamon rolls just use dental floss to cut the rolls – very easy – no squishing with the scissors.

    1. Hi Dee,

      Great idea! I have done this for cheesecake, but always forget to try it with the cinnamon rolls!

      Thanks, Zoë

  17. I just tried the cinnamon rolls and was slightly disappointed. After I allowed the rolls to proof, the brown sugar seemed to turn to a liquid filling. So that caused leaking for the mini muffin pans with a removable bottom.

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      The sugar does melt and turns to caramel when baked. In order to prevent this you will have to use less sugar in the buns.

      Thanks, Zoë

  18. I know this is an old post, but these look scrumptious, and much easier than what I’ve done in the past – especially since the dough will be all ready and waiting in my fridge!

    I have two questions… since these have to sit for 45 minutes before baking, is it possible to roll them up, loosely cover them, and place them in the fridge until morning? My boys don’t usually like to wait too long for yummy breakfasts. 🙂 Second question: do they have to go in a muffin tin? Can they just go on parchment paper on a stone or cookie sheet like your pizza rolls?

    Thanks!! Can’t wait to try them!

    1. Hi Michele,

      Yes, you can certainly form them and have them rest in the refrigerator over night. It works great and will allow you to bake early in the morning without all of the fuss and waking up so early! 😉

      You can bake them on a parchment lined cookie sheet, but be sure to not over fill them or they may ooze all the filling out.

      Enjoy! Zoë

  19. These small bits seem like the perfect solution for those with a consistent after-dinner sweet tooth, but very little room left for a normal-sized sin roll. Can’t wait to try the recipe!

  20. Made cinnamon rolls with the brioche recipe last night…none left for me this morning, all have disappeared! oh well, the 1/2 of one i got was DELICIOUS! Here let me put in a word for two great spices: one, Penzey’s spices “cinnamon blend” which I used last night, a very potent blend of 3 types of cinnamon; and number two: Sauer’s “Cake Spice” which turns anything into coffee cake, and makes a great spice for all kinds of baking and even jam making.
    thanks for all the great recipes! S

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thank you for the wonderful spice tips! I adore Penzey’s, but had not heard of Sauer’s Cake Spice mix.

      Hope you get some rolls next time! 😉


  21. I just have to say THANK YOU for sharing your mini cinnamon rolls. SO CUTE! I made a bouquet of buns this week, and gave it as a principal appreciation gift, and it was a big hit. I’ve linked my project to your blog….and my next trail will be your precious pizza rolls on a stick. I love it here!

  22. Made these today for a gathering. Turned out really tasty but the dough (I used the brioche) was extremely difficult to work with. Very sticky and it kept wanting to tear.

    1. Pam: Any chance you used bleached flour rather than unbleached? Result is usually too wet to work easily. Barring that, a question: have you used our brioche dough for other purposes and had different results than this time? Jeff

  23. Zoe and Jeff, I discovered you Guys the other day after I ran across the Times stories about NO KNEAD BREAD. I enjoyed Eric, of GardenFork TV, and had great success cooking his recipe in the removable liner of my crock pot. I checked out more of Eric’s videos and learned about your improved variation, which is ready in much less time, plus … there’s dough leftover!!!
    I made a pizza yesterday, after letting your dough rest a few hours in the fridge. I make handmade dough regularly, and I believe this was the best pizza ever! I formed the crust on a greased pizza pan, and cooked it a few minutes. Then, I added the sauce, cheese, and topped it with sauteed mushrooms, garlic and onions. I slid the pie onto my pizza stone, and it was ready in 10 minutes.
    I had absolutely no problem adding a cup of whole wheat flour to my recipe. At that point I had not found this website with your recipe. Next batch I will add the Vital Wheat Gluten, even though mine had plenty of gluten strands.
    Tonight I had a sweet tooth, and rolled up the dough, topping with brown sugar, dried cranberries and raisins, and baked it in a greased muffiin tin set atop my pizza stone. Then, I found this recipe, under the FAQ’s on your site…Lol Couldn’t be happier with the results! Or the coincidences!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  24. Hi,

    I have been baking bread from your recipes for a few weeks now and absolutely love the bread! Thanks for writing such useful, fun books! My question is this: Is it possible to use buttermilk powder and water instead of buttermilk in the recipes that call for buttermilk? Thanks! Susan

    1. Hi Susan,

      I have never tried it myself, but I have all confidence that it will work equally as well, as long as it is the same proportions of liquid to dry!

      Thanks, Zoë

  25. I was just wondering if it is possible to get the same results if I break the recipe down and only bake a fourth of it? I don’t need four loaves and want only one batch of rolls. Also is it possible to make these in a bread machine or do I blaspheme by even asking?

    1. Hi Kay,

      You can make just one loaf, but then you aren’t saving yourself as much time. The time savings comes from making a big batch of dough that you will use over 2 weeks. The bread will still be tasty! 🙂

      Our loaves may not be suited for a bread machine, they are very wet.

      Thanks, Zoë

  26. Made regular sized cinnamon rolls in muffin tins. Brushed dough with melted butter, sprinkled on a healthy amount of sugar (about 1/3 C),two TBSP cinnamon and 1/4 cup brown sugar. Rolled fairly tight, cut, and allowed to rise to fill muffin tins. Baked 17 mins at 400 degrees.
    I am vacationing for a month in Hawaii and have made fresh rolls five times already (three weeks). They disappear immediately.
    Great easy dough to make. Fabulous to work with – it’s replaced my Paula Wolfert recipe.

    1. Thank you Walt,

      These sound fantastic! I am sure your traveling companions so appreciate your baking!

      Cheers, Zoë

  27. I came across this on pinterest and followed it to your site (which I now have to check out). I made these today for a basket for a silent auction fundraiser and they are amazing and so cute! I added tons of sugar and then about 2 mins before they were done I took the pan out and flipped them all over so the Carmel glaze was on both sides which made them that much prettier! Thanks for sharing this recipe 🙂

  28. I made these a couple of days ago and they were fabulous!

    I didn’t have brown sugar on hand so I whipped some up real quick using granulated white sugar and molasses. When I took these out of the pan, I turned them upside down and they looked like roses. I didn’t use sticks…just wanted to make mini ones for my family. They were gone the very next day!

    Thank you for sharing this fantastic recipe! I can’t wait for my AB5, HB5, and AP&F books that I just ordered to come in…

    1. You can make them from lean doughs, yes. It’s a different effect, but it works. And whole grain will add a new dimension altogether.

  29. Aww….I miss the MN State Fair 🙁 I lived in the St. Paul area over ten years ago. I am totally going to make this.Hmm…how about we batter fry that puppy??? Lol!

    1. Batter-fry, no. But you could deep-fry it and call it a dougnut (maybe), see doughnut posts by searching in our search bar with “doughnut” or “beignet”

  30. I’ve been making your breads for a couple of years now, and for the first time ever, I heard the bread crackle when I took it out of the oven. I didn’t know what the noise was at first. 🙂

    I have no idea what I did differently, but I just had to let you guys know.

    I now have friends asking me for the cinnamon raisin bread in your first book. Thanks for all your work. I enjoy making the breads.

    1. Thanks for the kind words!
      Oven temp? Humidity down? Different flour? Better shaping? Usually, we can’t figure out these kinds of things…

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