Tips on great results with gluten-free dough: We’re on KTSP-TV Minneapolis (ABC)
Gluten-Free Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day was released today, and we went on Twin Cities Live with Elizabeth Ries and Joe Schmit to spread the news. One of the things I liked about this TV segment was that you get to see what gluten-free dough looks like when it’s nicely emulsified in the stand mixer (you can use a spoon or dough whisk, but you have to keep going to get it really smooth). One other thing to clarify from the TV segment: This book was tested with Red Star Active Dry Yeast and Red Star Instant Yeast, both of which are completely gluten-free. Gluten-free folks shouldn’t use the Red Star Platinum product because it has some dough conditioners derived from wheat.
Lesaffre Yeast Corp. (Red Star) provided samples of yeast for recipe testing, and sponsors BreadIn5’s website and other promotional activities.
Can you freeze, thaw and then refreeze the gluten free baked breads ?
Hi Bob,
You can, but everytime you thaw it out it will get dry, so you’ll want to freeze and thaw as little as possible.
Thanks, Zoë
Great video,congratulations! Just got my copy in the mail last night and can’t wait to start trying some of the recipes! Thanks for taking on this challenge. 🙂
Thanks so much! I have several loved ones who have to cut back on wheat products. As a bread baker, I can’t imagine not having bread, so this makes me happy to think I might be able to keep serving them!
I just saw your segment on KARE 11. I’m overjoyed to see that you have an entire book dedicated to gf! My granddaughter has celiac, and lives with us, so we are completely gf at home. I can’t wait to buy this book! I’ve been using your gf brioche recipe for sandwich bread and rolls since I bought your Healthy Bread in 5 book, and I was a huge fan of your original book before the celiac diagnosis. Thank you!!!
Thank you for the note Donna,
I hope you and your granddaughter enjoy all the GF breads.
Cheers, Zoë
I do not have a stand mixer. Can the gluten free dough recipe be made without a stand mixer?
Hi Elizabeth,
You can mix the GF recipes by hand, but it is easier to get a really smooth dough if you use a mixer. If you do it by hand, you will need to stir it long enough to get a nice smooth dough.
Thanks, Zoë
Congratulations Zoe and Jeff! Can’t wait to buy this book. Question about your flour mix. I can’t have nightshade vegetables, so the potato starch is out for me. Do you think I could successfully sub arrowroot flour/starch for the potato? I can’t eat cornstarch either, unfortunately, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for creating a bread book for those of us who don’t eat gluten!
See the GF FAQs tab above and click on “Substitutions for ingredients in our gluten-free recipes”
I cannot tolerate yeast how can I make the bread without it or is there an alternative
You can use natural sourdough, assuming that you can tolerate wild yeast in the air and in flour…