Super Peel | Breadin5 04

This is a Super Peel. It is one of those products, like the Danish Dough Whisk, that changes the game for baking with our dough. I was skeptical that this cloth-covered peel would do the trick of transferring our wet dough onto the hot stone in the oven without sticking. I’ve come to use parchment to guarantee the dough won’t stick to the peel, but that’s not at all necessary with the Super Peel. Even after an 1 1/2 hour resting time the dough slid right off the cloth, no sticking, no prying it off with a dough scraper. Voila! The most exciting part is that it scoops the loaf off the hot stone with as much ease. No more chasing the loaf to the back of the oven while trying to get it back on the peel.

Now that we are heading into grilling season, and there is nothing better than pizza on the grill, you have to watch this video about using the Super Peel for transferring pizzas. Gary Casper invented the Super Peel and generously shared the Peel with me to try out. I loved it so much I asked him to do a giveaway so we could share one with you. *Leave a note in the comments below and you will be eligible to win a Super Peel. The winner is: Sandy! We’ll be in touch, Sandy.

Super Peel | Breadin5 02

I used a Banneton to shape this loaf. It was a beautiful loaf, but not a true test of the super peel, since the dough does all of its rise in the basket, so it is only sitting on the peel for a few minutes before heading into the oven. The next one I made sat for 1 1/2 hours and it still slid right off.

Super Peel | Breadin5 03

I slashed the dough with a lame (pronounced laam), which slid right through the wet dough. We say to use a serrated knife, but if you’re a kitchen gadget type, you may want to give a lame a try. The one I used is made from black walnut and was a gift from Sarah, but you can get a lame that work just as well, but aren’t as fancy.

Super Peel | Breadin5 01

To successfully use the Super Peel just dust the cloth with flour, set your loaf on it, let it rise for the specified amount of time. This loaf sat for 1 1/2 hours and still slid right off, no sticking.

Super Peel | Breadin5 04

Slash the loaf and then use the Super Peel to easily slide the loaf onto the Baking Stone. The peel comes with instructions on how to assemble (easy) and how to use it (also very easy) to slide the loaf or pizza off the peel and how to them simply scoop it back up. It is a very clever system that reminds me of the deck oven loaders I used in culinary school. When I saw this peel it was a “why didn’t I think of that?” moment. So simple, but so effective.

Super Peel | Breadin5 05

Once the loaf is baked, just put the peel up against the loaf and the cloth will pull it back onto the peel. You have to see the videos to believe it.

Super Peel | Breadin5 06

The use of the banneton gives the loaf a beautiful ringed look. Once you are comfortable with our basic recipe it is fun to play with some of these kitchen toys to get a different look to your loaves. None of these things are necessary to get a great loaf, but some make the process easier or just more fun!

Super Peel | Breadin5 07 Super Peel | Breadin5 08

Leave a note below to win a Super Peel.

*All of our regular contest rules apply. You can read those rules here.


379 thoughts to “Super Peel Giveaway CONTEST CLOSED, WINNER HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED”

  1. I have struggled with other peels and thought it was just me….thank you for sharing that you’ve had difficulty with them too!

  2. I’m new to this style of baking bread and am very excited to try many, many recipes! This peel looks amazing–as a kitchen gadget lover, this would be perfect. Thank you for all you do!

  3. My pizza stone broke after preheating in the 550 degree oven and coming in contact with a frozen homemade pizza. Is this normal, or is my stone just too cheap to handle a frozen pizza?

    1. Some of the thinner stones are prone to cracking; we’ve received many similar reports with the Pampered Chef product, and I myself had one break upon first use. Not with a frozen pizza either. See for more info on the topic.

      Half-inch thick stones rarely break (I’ve had one do so after 11 years of hard use). Pizza steels and cast-iron pizza pans basically cannot break, see links:

  4. I’ve been wanting a peel! I love ABi5 – have been using it for a few months and am amazed how easy it is. Excited to start making pizza dough to use on the grill this summer — a peel would definitely be useful!

  5. Reminds me of my mother’s pastry cloth. I’ve been using parchment but this system seems slick as nothing goes in the trash. I’d love to try it.

  6. I can’t wait to try this new peel. I have not been able to find one that would work. Yahoo for invention.

  7. This looks like a solution to the problem with a metal peel or a standard wood one. Curious as to how it would work with a kitchen hearth insert. I see Amazon has wood, composite, and polymer sealed. Are these all true products? I also see replacement linens – but not for the 16″ questions, questions. Would love to give this a try. How much can the linen slide take on a 500 degrees tone?

    1. Not sure what you mean by “true” products???

      Probably have to refer you to Gary about the temperature question but I know they use it for pizza…

      1. Tom,

        They are all made by me. For the 16″ peel, you can get replacement cloths direct from me. It is a fairly new item and I have not put the replacements up yet, but will soon.

        In reality, the contact time is very very minimal in use. The standard fabric has been well tested – pressed to a 550F stone for 15 seconds with no damage. It is really not an issue. For even wood fired oven, it is fine as long as one doesn’t linger too close to an open flame or super hot coals.


  8. I’ve been in love with baking since I was a kid and bread, especially sourdough is my next frontier, anything that makes things easier, simpler, has to be a good thing. Great site! Thanks.

  9. OMG does that ever make it look simple! it sure is great that it doesn’t stick to the floured cloth. i would think not as it usually comes out of the banneton well. i see that you do not have yours lined. i will have to get brave once. i don’t always us the Banneton. Bedsides that my stomach is now growling looking at your bread. I’m about to re-start baking our own bread after a bad winter for me and i sure wish i could win one. it sure would be great! i am going to have to buy your gluten free book to add to my library of your books as i have some family members now that are gluten free. the only other one i don’t have is your pizza book. love your comments and books! keep innovatimg!

  10. I have an outdoor wood fire oven and can’t wait to try making bread in it! i have a stainless pizza peel and honestly, I have a heck of a time with dough sticking to it! Your peel seems very nice! Love this site and the book!

    1. I’ve found that the metal peels are harder to work with than wood or composite, which absorb a little moisture if there’s excess. With metal, it has nowhere to go in the traditional version of peels.

  11. That looks and sounds like a great product. Would love to be able to eliminate the use of parchment paper and this sounds like it will help me do that. Thanks!

  12. That Super Peel is a game-changer for me. It is a must-have for those of us who have struggled with conventional peels.

  13. I’m just starting to gather up all my equipment to start making dough. I haven’t had much luck with classic bread recipes since they become very dense. I’m looking into whether or not a peel would be something I’d like. I guess I won’t know until I try it, or try the recipe without it.

  14. I wish I had more than one way to say this, but –
    B R I L L I A N T !
    In addition to a bread baker, I am a chocolatier. When I dip truffles, I use a similar sliding action to move the truffles from their dipping tool to the drying paper!
    I keep asking myself – why the heck didn’t I think of this?
    I would LOVE to show this off to all 8 of my grandchildren so I can continue to be their totally cool granny!
    Thanks for the chance to be a winner and best of luck with this fabulous invention!

  15. I am new to this type of bread making. I would love to win this peel because I do not have one and I think I would make awesome bread with it! =)

  16. Been baking bread on & off (more off)for 40 years, and have just discovered the Danish dough whisk and your New Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day. I really like your easy-peasy method.
    I would love to win this Super peel as I do not have one!

  17. Looks like an incredible addition to help with getting the bread onto my baking steel. Looks like it would be great for pizza too!

  18. I’ve been making pizzas and bread for a few months now, but have had such a hard time transferring them to the pizza stones. This looks like it save me so much trouble!

  19. People who come up with simple ideas like this are amazing. I wish I could see the world the way they do. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Stephen,

      I will take that as a compliment, thank you! But, one word of caution – Be careful what you wish for!


  20. Hubby was diagnosed celiac beginning of 2009, and with the help of a bread machine I’ve managed to bake us some decent alternatives to the expensive brands in stores. We’re planning on retiring soon, and when I saw your book I got a copy to use as I would LOVE to be able to make fresh loaves daily!! Still need to gather my arsenal of equipment, and though I hadn’t considered a pizza peel a necessity this one has been added to my “wish list”!

  21. I bake for so many years now and discovered your site still being in Europe. Now here, I love to check on news on your site. Thank you for your recommendations! May be this time I’m lucky to win something ?! Nethertheless please continue your efforts and spread the word; good tasting bread is essential in our lives 🙂 Take care! Sandy

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