Gluten-Free Baguettes (Egg-Free, with flax “eggs”!)

Many of you who are baking the gluten-free breads from the books have asked about making the dough without eggs– here’s a decent swap:

Gluten-Free Baguettes:

Add the following to our Gluten-Free Crusty Boule recipe in place of the eggs:

2 tablespoons whole flax seeds (makes enough to replace 2 large eggs)

1/3 cup water to mix with flax

To make the egg substitute:

Grind the flax seeds in a Spice Grinder until it is a fine powder.

Stir together the powered flax with 1/3 cup of water.

After the mixture has sat for about 3-5 minutes will get gelatinous and quite egg like.

For more details on how to mix and use the dough see chapter 9, page 297 in The New Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day. You can also find more details here.

Once the dough is well chilled reach into the bucket with wet hands and pull out 1/4 of the dough.

Dip your hands in more water to prevent the dough from sticking to your hands as you work.

You want to press, squeeze and gently pull the dough into the shape of a baguette. This dough has no stretch to it, so you can’t pull it too hard or it will rip apart. The good news is that you can always just press it back together.

If the dough is too soft to form in your hands then just place it on a thin sheet of parchment and form the loaf with wet hands right on the paper. Try to handle it gently so as not to compress all of the air bubbles out of the dough.

brush with water and then loosely drape with plastic wrap. Let the dough rest for 40 minutes.

Preheat your oven to 475°F for 30 minutes with a Baking Stone on the center rack and a Broiler Pan on the bottom rack.

Sprinkle with seeds (these are the mixture from The New HBin5 on page 81).

Place the baguettes, on the parchment, into a Baguette Pan. This way the bread keeps its lovely shape and you can get more into your oven at one time.

Using a sharp Serrated Bread Knife slash the baguettes at a diagonal three times 1/4-inch deep down the loaf.

Place the baguette pan onto the preheated stone, add 1 cup of hot water to the broiler pan and bake for 30 minutes.

Allow the bread to cool on a wire rack and then enjoy!

Related Posts:

Video on Gluten-Free Dough

Gluten-Free Crusty Boule recipe

Gluten-Free Naan

Gluten-Free Crock Pot Bread

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408 thoughts to “Gluten-Free Baguettes (Egg-Free, with flax “eggs”!)”

  1. Thank you for your appealing breads website! I always want to grab them right of the puter screen! Another healthier egg replacer is chia gel. To replace one egg, mix 2 tablespoons of chia with half a cup of cold water. This makes 1/4 c. of chia gel. Chia is a ancient food used for energy and endurance and I prefer to flax! Please make me a winner!

  2. They look delicious even before they went into the oven!
    Can the Xanthan be purchased at any supermarket?
    Thank you Zoe and Jeff!

    Best wishes

  3. These look amazing! I wish I would have found the G-free recipes on this site when our friends came to visit last summer.

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  4. My daughter has Crone’s and has gone gluten-free. Can’t wait to try some of the recipes in that section.

    Can you make the bagettes without that pan?

    Have a great day!


  5. Yum! I’m a beginner (just finished my first batch of the basic recipe in HBi5) but I’d love to try gluten-free next. My youngest brother is gluten-intolerant and would love for me to bake for him!

  6. Dear bread,
    How I love thee and miss thee. I had no idea how much you meant to me until I had to go Gluten Free.
    I didn’t even mean for that to rhyme!
    YAY! Pick me!

  7. I have been experimenting with gluten free recipes from HBin5 for a friend who is newly gluten intolerant. Invited her over for lunch and while the crusty boules baked, I made Naan in my cast iron fry pan. Turned it once and on top placed seasonings, thin sliced Roma tomatoes, thin sliced red onions, and favorite cheeses. Slid the whole thing onto a plate when done and topped with spring mix lettuces. My friend and I enjoyed our lunchto the utmost! We topped off lunch with a slice of fresh baked Boule and home made rhubarb jam. Yummy!

  8. Nice to see success with flax seeds in this recipe! I’ve often wondered whether they could be used as a substitute in the gluten-free recipes. My understanding of flax seeds (as an egg replacement) is that they act as a binder, to help to hold the ingredients together and keep things moist.

    1. T: I’m pretty sure that Cooks of Crocus Hill has these pans, but check with them on the phone first. Stores in Edina and in St. Paul.


  9. lately it seems like half my social circle is made up of self-diagnosed celiacs, and i’m running out of things to bring to potlucks. these baguettes are totally inspiring.

  10. Brilliant! I’ve4 been using ground flax for years as a vegan egg replacer- and it has EFAs on top of it. It doesn’t get the loft of beaten eggs, but it will trap some gases and harden for an open crumb. Can’t wait to see these products on local shelves!

  11. Wow, I am so excited to try these flours and the baguette recipe. I have been making the gf boule/naan constantly since I found your recipe. It’s the best gf bread I’ve ever had! Thank you so much for thinking of us gf people.

  12. Great ideas! I love opening my inbox and seeing notes from your site.

    One question, what is xanthan and what does it do?

    Got your book after making my own breads for about a year. My kids can not eat Corn Syrup and all the bread at the store that don’t have it are too dry and cost too much money. I have enjoyed your book so much. Thanks.

    1. Bev: Xanthan gum is a naturally-derived substance that gives structure to GF doughs, in much the same way that gluten gives structure to wheat doughs. Without it, the gas just bubbles through and leaves the dough– you’d end up with a doorstop! Jeff

  13. The baguettes look great, and the ancient grains and flax seeds are soooo good for you. I feel healthier just reading the recipe 🙂

  14. Thanks for another awesome recipe. I’m loving the first book and after seeing some of the recipes for the second book, it will be on my shelf soon.

  15. Thank you for posting this! I tried the popovers on KAF’s website last week using a modified form of the GF mix posted on their site. *wow*! I was impressed. I’m looking forward to even more GF baking!

  16. this looks fantastic. I’ve recently gone gluten free and can’t find this flour in stores in my area yet, but I was sure artisan-style bread would be a thing of the past for me. I’ll be looking for the flour to try this recipe for sure!

  17. they look yummy…..will definitely try these….but first I must find the King Arthur gluten-free flour!

  18. It looks delicious! My grandfather was diagnosed with CSD about 8 years ago and we’re still struggling to find a delicious substitute for him (he was a gluten junky!). I’ve joined the GF lifestyle in an effort to support him and now I can’t wait to tell him about this bread!

  19. Oh, have I missed bread and baking! I discovered my gluten intolerance while reveling in no-knead baking 🙁 I have tried the ancient grains blend – yum – but too “whole grainy” for my family. I’ve tried making my own all-purpose blends, but they never seem truly all-purpose. I’ve been meaning to try the KAF blend – convince me that it’s worth the expense and I’ll be a devotee and advocate forever!

  20. Wonderful wonderful to see artisan breads for those of us who normally can’t find them or afford them on a regular basis. Will be trying this reciepe soon. Thank you for sharing.

  21. I’m still learning about the GF things I can make. This looks amazing!!! Will definitely be trying it.
    Next, perhaps someone can make a reeeaaalllyyyy good bagel?! Montreal bagel style.

  22. I’ve been lurking since the Gluten-free Boule; have made it three times and it’s fantastic. King Arthur Flours are impossible to get this side of the world (I’m in Southeast Asia) and I wish they were. Being gluten-intolerant, I’ve missed bread!

  23. Have been looking for a recipe like this. My daughter went gluten-free last year. We love bread around our house and have been tempted to buy loaves then think of her. now she can have a baguette. these look DELICIOUS!

  24. Those baguettes look amazing! And I will definitely be trying them soon. I’ve been looking for the KAF GF flours in our local stores, but haven’t spotted them yet. I would love to give them a try!

  25. Can’t wait to try this recipe! Would be thrilled to enjoy a fresh baguette, it has been so long!

  26. Thanks for the post! I’ve also been experimenting with the gluten-free HBin5 recipes, and also been successfully using chia seeds + water as well as the flax seeds for egg replacements. I tried a few batches using Ener-g egg replacer but found it resulted in a dryer-textured bread.

  27. That is so great that you’ve made these wonderful gluten free recipes available. Thank you! And thanks to King Arthur for the flours. Can’t wait to use them.

  28. love KAF, love your book. I am eating Aunt Melissa’s Granola Bread as I am writing this. I would love to try this new line, we have GF family members who NEED this!!

  29. I just might actually attempt to make my own bread. If I hadn’t found out I was gluten intolerant I don’t know if I ever would have tried.

  30. Oh me me!! Gluten flour hooray, ME!!! I’ve been dying to try your GF breads but I can’t find sorghum flour locally to save my life. Please ME! (shameless, I know).

  31. I have been gluten free for 14 months now. Has changed my life and for the better. Would love to receive the KAF gluten free products. Please toss my name in the ring! By the way, many thanks for this recipe.

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