Gluten-Free Baguettes (Egg-Free, with flax “eggs”!)

Many of you who are baking the gluten-free breads from the books have asked about making the dough without eggs– here’s a decent swap:

Gluten-Free Baguettes:

Add the following to our Gluten-Free Crusty Boule recipe in place of the eggs:

2 tablespoons whole flax seeds (makes enough to replace 2 large eggs)

1/3 cup water to mix with flax

To make the egg substitute:

Grind the flax seeds in a Spice Grinder until it is a fine powder.

Stir together the powered flax with 1/3 cup of water.

After the mixture has sat for about 3-5 minutes will get gelatinous and quite egg like.

For more details on how to mix and use the dough see chapter 9, page 297 in The New Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day. You can also find more details here.

Once the dough is well chilled reach into the bucket with wet hands and pull out 1/4 of the dough.

Dip your hands in more water to prevent the dough from sticking to your hands as you work.

You want to press, squeeze and gently pull the dough into the shape of a baguette. This dough has no stretch to it, so you can’t pull it too hard or it will rip apart. The good news is that you can always just press it back together.

If the dough is too soft to form in your hands then just place it on a thin sheet of parchment and form the loaf with wet hands right on the paper. Try to handle it gently so as not to compress all of the air bubbles out of the dough.

brush with water and then loosely drape with plastic wrap. Let the dough rest for 40 minutes.

Preheat your oven to 475°F for 30 minutes with a Baking Stone on the center rack and a Broiler Pan on the bottom rack.

Sprinkle with seeds (these are the mixture from The New HBin5 on page 81).

Place the baguettes, on the parchment, into a Baguette Pan. This way the bread keeps its lovely shape and you can get more into your oven at one time.

Using a sharp Serrated Bread Knife slash the baguettes at a diagonal three times 1/4-inch deep down the loaf.

Place the baguette pan onto the preheated stone, add 1 cup of hot water to the broiler pan and bake for 30 minutes.

Allow the bread to cool on a wire rack and then enjoy!

Related Posts:

Video on Gluten-Free Dough

Gluten-Free Crusty Boule recipe

Gluten-Free Naan

Gluten-Free Crock Pot Bread

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408 thoughts to “Gluten-Free Baguettes (Egg-Free, with flax “eggs”!)”

  1. Thank you for your tips and recipes. I was at King Arthur Flour this weekend and admiring their baguette pan you have used here.

  2. I have been making gluten free bread weekly now for about a month. Very excited to try a version that lets me easily make fresh loaves daily. That will please my son to no end! Thanks

  3. Thanks for this recipe, and I would LOVE to try that flour! I just started having to eat a gluten-free diet and I strive to find flours that are full of nutrients. All of the grains used in these breads are my tops choices!

  4. Ohhh. I’ve wanted to try your bread method, but didn’t even think of it because I am gluten free. I love making bread, and have missed it SO much for 8 years! I would love to win these flours, but if I don’t, I will probably buy some som soon!

  5. Wow thanks for posting and the pics will really help. I would love love to try King Arthur Flours I have heard so much about their new gluten free flour. Myself, husband and two children are all gluten intolerant so baking my own bread is the only option as ready made is far to expensive and nothing speaks family love more than fresh baked bread.
    Thanks again for sharing 😉

  6. Looks great! I actually just mixed up some of your seeded oat bread this morning. I love the KA White Whole Wheat, but haven’t tried their others grains.

  7. Thanks for a chance to try something different. I am really enjoying your breads. My latest endeavor has been hamburger buns using a 5 inch form.

  8. Oh how I have missed crusty baguettes! And great news that they work well with egg substitutes! Can’t wait to try them! KA makes such great quality products, I can’t imagine their GF line could disappoint!

  9. YUM YUM YUM!!! I really want to make these baguettes they look so tasty. I really miss good bread. Can you post the version of this recipe with eggs for those of us who can eat them? Also wondering if it would be okay to sub agave nectar for the honey?

  10. Thanks for the great recipe! I have several friends that are on a G Free diet. I will definitely share!!!

  11. Been GF since November and lovin’ it! But with 2 year old twins, it’s really difficult to find time to experiment. 😉

    These look so yummy, I might be encouraged to try to make time. Would love to give it a whirl.

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. I love the fact that KA is coming out with gluten free flour. I’m find it frustrating to find decent GF flour where I’m at. As for the egg substitute..I’ve used it when making chocolate chip cookies and my kids actually prefer it.

  13. Love the new King Arthur flour mixtures, it is so wonderful to have readily available mixes for newly diagnosed patients.
    Got to try out this baguette recipe.
    Did you know that Chia seeds will work as well for the egg replacement?

  14. Yum! They look delicious, and I look forward to trying the ancient grains. My sister loves KAF!

  15. looks so good will pass on recipe to an Aunt who is on Gluten free diet. Received my HBin5 and Bin5 last week and waiting for a free minute to read and bake!

  16. The bread looks so delicious. I just got my King Arthur catalogue and will try these flours. I have your book and am ready to make bread! Yea!!!!!

  17. These look fantastic! I’ve heard the mixes are good, but haven’t tried them yet. Sounds like KAF is a gluten-free dream come true! 🙂

  18. I am so excited! I only use King Arthur flour to bake all of the bread my husband eats… But I have not been able to enjoy it with him, and homemade pizza night has been a bust since I went gluten free. I am excited to see this line in stores, I hope very soon!

  19. can’t wait to try these! my husband recently found out that he has to go gluten free so i am happily experimenting with recipes now!

  20. I am having a hard time finding the KAF flours 🙁 I have tried soooo many flours to make my own bread and have yet to find a bread that I really enjoy. Inam looking forwad to finding these!!! I love baking and cooking and Celiac’s has really cut into my ability to do all I want. But I’m exploring and hope to find things that work! 🙂

  21. The baguettes look French-bakery quality!

    Could hardly wait to get your book, and when I did I made some terrific loaves before getting a Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and subsequent gluten-intolerant diagnosis (but what a way to go!). Suddenly, I needed the GF recipes! How lucky your book had them.

    Would very much love to try the King Aurthur’s GF flours and no matter what, thank you for your attention to those who love bread but cannot have gluten.

    (PS Now, how about flatbreads for those of us also yeast intolerant? 🙂

  22. My good friend just found out that two of her children have celiac disease. I can’t wait to try out your bread to give her.

  23. I used to bake for extra money and bought all my supplies at the yearly 20% off in store sale at KA. Finding out I had celiac meant no more baking and lots of tears at missing out on the great KA products. I had no idea they were doing a GF line and now I need to go back and shop there again. Thanks!

  24. Thanks so much for gluten-free recipes! I’m excited too about KAF gluten-free products – bread is no longer banned from our home!

  25. I’m going to go home and try the egg substitute in the next thing I bake. This will soon become helpful when I move overseas to a 3rd world country where eggs are hard to come by, but whole grains are readily available.

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