stuffed naan

Stuffed Naan

One of the most popular recipes from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day is our version of naan. It is a non-traditional way of creating the classic Indian flatbread, and it is incredibly fast and tasty. In Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day we decided to one-up ourselves and create a stuffed naan, made from a dough that has a slight tang from the addition of yogurt. This aromatic flatbread is filled with cilantro and onions, then baked until golden on a hot stone. When it comes from the oven we slather it in ghee and serve it hot. You’ll want to make several, because they go fast and they are as good hot as they are cold.Stuffed Naan:

1/2 pound Naan dough (page 88) or Master recipe from Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day

3 tablespoons finely chopped onions

3 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro

Salt to taste

Melted ghee or butter to brush on top of baked naan

To make the stuffed naan: Preheat the oven to 550°F or as high as your oven will go, with a Baking Stone on the middle rack.

On a well floured surface,

roll the dough to a 1/4-inch thick circle.

stuffed naan

Place the onions, cilantro and salt on the dough, but leave a bit of the edge clear of the filling.

Pinch the edges together,

all the way around the circle,

to form a pouch.

Flip the pouch so the seam side is down on a well floured surface. Flour the top and roll the pouch into an 1/8-inch thick oval. Check for sticking as you go, and add more flour if you need.

The onions may break through the dough as you get it very thin, but that is just fine.

Bake the stuffed naan on the preheated stone for about 10 minutes or until the edges are golden brown. Remove from the oven and immediately brush with the melted ghee or butter.

stuffed naan

Serve warm and just tear pieces off and dip it into your curry, soups and stews. Try our other stuffed naan variations, which you will find on page 224 of Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day.

35 thoughts to “Stuffed Naan”

  1. Oh my…you are TRULY genius! I keep telling you that – but you keep out-doing yourself! Yum…can’t wait to try this one! This book rocks – have been eating our way through! xo J

    1. Hi Mom24,

      If the onion is chopped finely it will bake and become very soft when it is baking. It would certainly also work if you cooked the onions first, just to make sure.

      Thanks, Zoë

  2. A general question that I couldn’t find in FAQ: Is it possible to freeze your breads? (Either the dough or the finished product?) Any advice about doing so?

    I’m working from the Healthy Breads book if that makes a difference.

    1. Hi Jodie,

      You can do either. The info about freezing dough is a bit buried in the sidebar on page 63 of HBin5. You can freeze the bread as well and then recrisp it in the oven for a few minutes to get the crust back.

      In either case, be sure to wrap the dough/bread really, really well before freezing!

      Thanks, Zoë

  3. I’ve tried your Bavarian-Style Whole Grain Pumpernickel in book 2 but would like to try the “Pumpernickel” in book one because of the cocoa powder and coffee which sound interesting. However, I want to increase the whole grains and was considering upping the rye from 1 cup to 1 1/2 and add a cup of whole wheat for one cup of the unbleached flour. I’m guessing it might need slightly more water but am wondering if it should also have some vital wheat gluten? Any other suggestions? Thanks, Penny

    1. Hi Penny,

      You could just add some cocoa powder and coffee to the dough in HBin5, which would be a less dramatic change from the recipe.

      Thanks, Zoë

  4. I made up the master dough yesterday and this morning just stuffed some of it with tasty cheese and fried it and then put some ghee on. It tasted fine. Reading you above article I realise I made the dough a bit too thin. I made the Piz-zone for lunch and its fantastic. I have to modify ingredients as not all is readily available here in Oz. Also my theme is outdoor cooking so I adjust for that. I am thinking of doing the clam recipe and substituting prawns/shrimp. Thank you both for being such an inspiration.

  5. I love Naan in all (homemade) forms and yours looks wonderful too! The ultimate finishing touch is to sprinkle hot, buttered naan with Chaat Masala ~ an Indian Spice Blend. It can be found in any Indian Store or you can make your own, as I do ~ Google Chaat Masala to find many websites for the recipe.
    Thank you for another great book ~ I finally received my copy last week ~ can’t wait to get started on it!

    1. Jeff: The full recipe is in the book— the publisher will kill us if we provide all the content and instructions from our books here, for free, on the website. Sorry! Jeff

      Douglas: So glad the recipe’s working well for you! Jeff

  6. I made the Naan Dough from page 88 in the book.
    I made two Naan’s & brushed with olive oil
    infused with garlic & chives.
    I cooked the Naan in a Iron skillet med High
    until bottom was brown . ( lots of bubbles )
    I finished under a broiler until top was brown
    Tender & delicious .
    Thanks Zoe & Jeff

  7. I just reread the post and I own the original book and that Naan recipe doesn’t mention the yogurt. I guess it is in the new book.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      Yes, the naan dough is our new Pizza and Flatbread book has yogurt in it, that is the one I was referring to.

      Thanks, Zoë

  8. I wonder if this can be made on the gas grill using a baking stone. It gets hotter than the oven and works great for pita.

    1. StuKin: It should, only risk is that the outside might scorch before inside’s fully cooked through. Might take some experimentation with best-temperature, but should work nicely. Jeff

  9. I came accross this entry this morning, and this afternoon I modified the technique for focaccia. I used the master recipe and added olive oil, garlic and oregano in place if the onions and cilantro. Then I just flipped the pouch over and squished it into an oiled baking dish and topped it with more olive oil and garlic. It worked out well!

  10. Do you think I could make this with the original master recipe or the olive oil bread? I’m having dinner guests and don’t have time to go out and get the new book between now and then and I can whip up that dough and have it ready to go for a showy side to the meal.

  11. Hi,
    I put the oven on 500 degree’s, set the timer to 30 min. Sprinkled the stone with flour. Made the Naan, checked the oven, the flour was
    almost black, quickly scraped off the burnt
    flour off of the hot stone in the oven, quickly brushed the stone off with a towel,
    sprinkled new flour on the stone then quickly
    put the unbaked naan in there before this second batch of flour turned black. Any comments? Advise for next time?

  12. Sorry– intention wasn’t to sprinkle the stone with flour, it’ll definitely burn at this temp. The flour sticking to the naan is adequate to prevent sticking.

  13. Zoe, I did the naan. it was successful. thank you. I’m doing another – stuffed naan this time.

  14. I clicked through here to make a note about ghee- it is delicious, and makes a huge difference. It’s also expensive pre-made at the store, and super easy to make at home instead! All you need is a pound of butter and a 2 cup glass jar to store the ghee in. You heat the butter slowly on the stove and it’s just a lot of waiting and stirring at certain points. There are several YouTube tutorials that are easy to follow. Happy baking!

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