Shopping for Bread-Bakers

People always ask us about our favorite bread-baking tools, so here are some of them, with links to Amazon:


A thermometer: you really can’t get a good crust until you know your oven’s temp. They’re cheap and effective.

Baking Stone

Baking stone: For a great, crisp, crust, you really need one, and this 1/2-inch thick Old Stone brand has been very durable for us. There are other stone/iron options, see our post on that.

The Danish Dough Whisk makes mixing the dough even faster and easier than using a wooden spoon or stand mixer. Plus, it’s super cool looking.

Dough Bucket

Dough bucket: The lid has to be purchased separately. We like the Cambro brand but any 5 to 6 quart food-safe container will work, see our post on this.

Pizza Peel

Pizza peel: above is the Epicurean brand, which is made from wood fiber but processed to be non-pourous and knife-safe, so they double as cutting boards. For a natural wood version, try the Sassafras.

There’s lots more, such as the cloches from Emile Henry or Sassafras, silicone mats, heavy-gauge baking sheets, parchment, and rolling pins.  

And of course, our books:

The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a DayOur first and most popular book, updated in a new, larger edition published this year. The classic European and American bread menu.

Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a DayWhole grains take center stage.

Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a DayThe fastest things we make–dinner on a weeknight!

Happy baking, and happy holidays!

22 thoughts to “Shopping for Bread-Bakers”

  1. I’ve purchased two copies (so far) of the new edition of your book. One for me, and one for a friend. I so enjoy making the different breads. I get slightly embarrassed when people say, with awe, that I make bread. I always tell them about your books and how simple you make the process.

  2. I have your first, original book and was wondering if it’s worth it to re-buy the “new” version. I know there were many errors in the first and I’ve tried to keep a printout of them to keep with the book for reference. Any other “fixes” or additions in the revised one to where you would recommend getting it to replace the original?

    1. The new book is remarkably error-free; 5 weeks after it’s release to the public, only one error’s been brought to our attention (

      But the real reason to buy the new book is because it’s much more inclusive– of all the things we learned publishing our other two books, and from all the conversations with our readers. See this post for a run-down of all that’s new in the book:

  3. I bought the new book even though I had the original. It was well worth the price. The pictures, tips, weights, and extra recipes are wonderful.

  4. Hello Jeff & Zoe,
    I have you first book, artisan bread in 5 minutes a day. I’m making baguettes, and every time I leave them to rise for twenty minutes, they spread out and flatten instead of rising.
    what am I doing wrong???

    1. What kind of flour are you using? Bottom line, sounds too wet, just use a little less water next time. 1/8-cup less? The other possibility is that you’re not quite shaping “tightly” enough, or maybe not measuring the flour properly; see our videos on that:

      Gluten-cloaking/shaping with whole-grain dough:
      The Scoop-And-Sweep Technique:

  5. Oh dear. I have every one of your gift suggestions. My old Artisan bread in 5 went to a friend. So I even have the new edition of that. My husband has no idea what to get me.

    1. We’ve not tested in bread machines, but I’d think it would work. Only concern– our formulas may be a little to wet to prepare in those and have them bake through to the center. But you could certainly mix the dough in there.

  6. I bought your new book in late October right after it landed in my local (independent) bookstore and haven’t bought a loaf of bread since! I’ve bought some sourdough starter and my first try at that turned out great and at whole wheat have also been wonderful. Thanks so much.
    My question has to do with how best to use the perforated baguette pan I got for Christmas. I’ve been putting directly on my pizza stone with great results but I was wondering if it would work as well without the stone.

    I’ll appreciate your comment.

    1. The idea with those is to replace the stone– I think you’ll be just as happy without it, and this shortens the preheat considerably.

  7. I had a heck of a time finding equipment after I got your book… at least affordable equipment, sorry but I’m not paying 15 bucks for a bucket! Once I finally found everything at reasonable prices I made a list on my blog with links to where to get things to help other newbie bread makers out there. I just thought I’d share it with you –
    Thanks for your book and bread and amazing methods! My family is loving the fresh bread, and I made the wheat stalk loaf for a super bowl party last week that pretty much made me look way more talented than I am, so thanks for helping me impress my friends 🙂

    1. Silpat is cheaper in the long run and there’s less waste. It slightly insulates the loaf from the hot stone so parchment paper produces a slightly better bottom crust (but neither is as good as cornmeal).

      One issue with both is the temperature rating, check that before you buy. None are rated above 450F, and some are considerably less.

      1. Sounds like it won’t work for Pizzas, then!
        Actually, I’d love to become an expert with cornmeal for all my breads, but I have failed time and time again and have stuck with paper – any suggestions for finally succeeding with cornmeal?
        Thanks for your reply!

      2. For pizza, I actually use flour, which is more authentically Italian. And I’ve often used parchment for pizza even though it’s not rated for that. Yes, it scorches badly, but that’s all. Having said this, you’re at your own risk here, in case it catches fire. The manufacturer is covering themselves for that by telling you not to do it.

        When you use cornmeal or flour– the key is to get it off there quickly– don’t let it sit or the dough turns the grain underneath to glue.

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