10th Anniversary of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day

How time flies when you are having fun baking bread. 10 years ago we published our first book, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, and it’s been an exciting journey ever since. Our publisher took a chance on two unknown authors; a pastry chef and a physician with a crazy idea of how to change how people bake bread. The publisher printed 5000 copies, hedging their bets in case it didn’t sell, but they sold in a week. They printed another 5000 and those too sold right away. They did it again and again, thinking it would slow down, but it didn’t. Here we are 10 years later, a second edition, 5 other titles and 750,000 copies of our books sold. This is all because of you, our incredible readers and the inspiration for all of our books. You have been there with us and for us, and we want to thank you!

Our first edition of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day is no longer in print, but the second edition The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day is even better and we want to give you a copy. For a chance to win, please leave a comment here and we’ll pick 5 winners. You can also go to our Instagram page, like our page and tag two friends for another chance to win. We’ll be giving away 5 copies to our Instagram followers. Please see our giveaway policy. This contest is finished and winners were announced!

For those of you who are not familiar with our method, you can find the Master Recipe from The NewABin5 here!

Thank you and Happy Baking!

197 thoughts to “10th Anniversary of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day”

  1. Thank you for access to gluten free bread, it is a game changer for those of us who struggle for good gluten free bread!!! I appreciate all the information available through your website as well as recipes!

  2. I borrowed your first book from a friend years ago (omg, was it 10?) and it was a complete game changer. I have asked for it for Christmas a few times now, but no luck! (What is Santa’s problem!??!) Thank you for a chance and congratulations on your success.

  3. This book has been recommended to me time and again. Yesterday, I finally decided I should buy it and the first thing I see on IG is your post. This is kismet.

  4. Hi guys, just wanted to thank you for your amazingly inspirational books. I received my first bread book from my sister more than 20 years ago and, wouldn’t you know it, picked the hardest one to make…a challah that has become my signature loaf, at least with family and friends. I’ve tried to inspire them to make bread but they always say it’s too complicated and time consuming. That’s where your book was a game changer. I walked several family members thru the easy instructions, playing with different amounts of time in the frig and now several of them make loaves regularly. Thanks so much for making easy what seemed like such an insurmountable task.

  5. I have the first book and love it and love making the bread. I have been making dough and baking bread since my hippie days. These days I enjoy using all the great types of flours available to the home baker and recently bought a grain mill to grind my own flour. The joy of working with dough and baking bread has been a life long learning experience.

  6. Congratulations on a wonderful book
    I have the first and second books and love them both. Would love to have the latest edition.

  7. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years! My mother-in-law bought us a copy when it first came out. That year, I bought more and gave them out for Christmas gifts, along with big lexan buckets with lids! I can’t find my copy anywhere now, which is why I’m on your blog! I’d love to win a new copy!!

  8. Your original book is very well loved at our house. I’d love a copy of the new edition. Thanks for the giveaway & congrats on 10 years of great bread & book making!

  9. This book looks great. I come from a long line of bakers and I am always looking for new recipes and techniques. Thanks!

  10. What a beautiful loaf of bread. I found my way here from your Instagram story after watching it twice. While I’ve heard of a no-knead bread before, it also seemed to have some step I was missing (like rising for 24 hours).
    With my family of 8, I need a new way to get a hearty clean bread into our lives and it looks like your new book is the way I’ll be able to do that.

    Thanks for taking the time to put this together so others can enjoy it as well!

  11. I’ve made no knead bread before and my family has loved the results. Due to a gluten intolerance I would love to be able to make GF bread that matches the quality of bread with gluten.

  12. I found your first edition at a friend’s house, went home and ordered the second edition. I love making bread but after working all day it just didn’t happen. TaDa, Artisan Bread in Five to the rescue. We now enjoy fresh bread 2-3 times a week. I love the fact that the base recipe can be made into so many different loaves and variations. Thank you so much and congratulations on 10 years!

  13. Each year in May, I bake for our Mother’s Day Banquet at our local Bible church. Two years ago, I wanted to try a new bread recipe, so I searched the world wide web. It was late one night when I saw your website. The words “Artisan Bread in 5” were at first a challenge but were to become a reality as I took up the challenge with the thought, “Sounds too good to be true, but it is worth a shot!”
    I budgeted eleven minutes that first time, but it actually took only seven. I baked the bread the next morning and nothing has been the same in our kitchen since that first batch came out of the oven! Additionally, the artisan bread was the hit of the banquet and the most requested item from my kitchen since that day!
    Depending on the translation, Psalm 104:15 says that “grain makes the heart strong.” That must be why wheat and other grains are foundational to diets around the globe! Thank you for sharing your talent, expertise, and passion so that those of us passionate about feeding people we love can be an exciting, efficient, and enjoyable experience.

  14. Congratulations! I stumbled upon your brioche recipe a few years ago and reading through the website gave me the confidence to start making all types of bread, I owe big thanks!! I would love to be considered for a book.

  15. I would love to win a copy of the book!! I have tried the basic recipe from the website but would love to have all the techniques and recipes in the book. Thank you!

  16. Congratulations on 10 years. I have enjoyed your original and healthy versions for years. Wishing you much more successful baking!

  17. Thank you for the opportunity to own a copy of your new book. I have the original book and it gets lots of wear. I have gifted several copies to family members and I love to see their excitement over what they accomplish. Great confidence builder!!! Thank you again for this opportunity.

  18. ZOE! I honestly love your cookbooks. Jenny first gave us Artisan Bread in 5 min a day, and it is the one cookbook I use every single week. It ignited my interest in bread and turned me into a bit of an obsessed baker…thanks so much for opening that door for me! So happy for you!

  19. Your book is amazing. Best way to have yummy bread whenever we want. Would love to win one for my son, an amazing cook who needs to add bread baking to his skill set.

  20. I have only bought 2 loaves of bread(we were moving and stuff was on moving truck) in the last eight plus years because of your books.
    We bake 3x a week with the stored dough. So easy… so tasty!

  21. I am thrilled with how easy and quick the recipes I have tried are. My sister told me about your books. I give samples and people at work love the bread and pita bread. My son tried pizza dough at my sisters and liked it so much he asked me to make it when I make pizza. So much tastier than store bought dough

  22. I have been making what we call ‘bucket bread’ in our house for I am guessing 8 or 9 years now. I have a loaf in my oven as we speak. I actually just bought a copy of your new book to give as a Christmas gift to someone else because I love mine so much (the old version). After looking through it (the new version), I was thinking…I will have to update mine at some point. I have Levain sitting on my counter right now…one of the new things I found in the new edition. Anyway…I will gladly take a new edition book for myself.

  23. I saw a friend’s post on Facebook posting about her fabulous bread. I bought your book and have done my share of passing on the miracle of delicious artisan bread.
    Would be so happy to have another copy!

  24. Still using the original book, I will need to lend it to a friend at work who wants to perfect French bread. Would be good to have the new one!

  25. I checked out your first book from the library on the recommendation of a friend. After checking it out for the third time, I ordered my own copy. As a librarian, I make the same recommendation to many others.

  26. Anadama Bread, Honey Spelt, Rosemary and Prosciutto flat bread. The list goes on and my kitchen is warm and cozy. Thank you!

  27. I’ve got a copy from the library and have been loving it. I’d so enjoy my own copy so I have time to try more recipes!

  28. I’d love another copy of The New AB5– I’d send it to my daughter who’s in Italy with her soldier husband. She’s one of the many I’ve shared AB5 with via a pleasant hands-on afternoon mixing and baking session. The only problem is that the basic recipe is so simple and versatile that I need to remember to pull out the book once in a while to branch out!

  29. I’d love a copy of the new edition – I get a ton of use out of the original, but the update would be super nice!

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